Next steps to get RPM Fusion running (V2)

Adrian Reber adrian at
Mon Nov 3 09:19:41 CET 2008

On Mon, Nov 03, 2008 at 09:14:19AM +0100, Thorsten Leemhuis wrote:
>>> - the current release files and the mirrormanager use different names 
>>>  for the repo files; Example:
>>> release.rpm right now has:
>>>     [...]?repo=rpmfusion-free-debug-f$releasever[...]
>>> mirror manager expects:
>>>     [...]?repo=free-debug-fedora$releasever[...]
>>> We need to change one of the two (or both).
>> Mirrormanager uses:
>> It can be changed, but I would prefer if I do not have to change it ;-)
> Okay, then I'd say changing the release packages is the easier way for  
> everyone.


>>> - back a few weeks ago you iirc said that we need to be able to 
>>> adjust  DNS quickly in case the machine goes down; that's not solved 
>>> yet
>> No, it is not. We need a another machine running the mirrorlist which
>> would then get the necessary data from the main mirrormanager instance.
>> And in a case of a failure we need someone who can changes the DNS entry
>> very fast.
> Do we want to ignore this for now and nevertheless switch to use  
> mirrormanager? (If we ignore this now I fear that this will never get  
> fixed...)

I would say: let's set up a backup mirrorlist server and hope that in an
emergency we will manage to switch the DNS fast enough.

All I need is an account on the "backup mirrorlist server" and someone
who can do some changes to the webserver configuration to get it

The mirrorlist is in python and needs mod_wsgi. It needs to be able to
run a cronjob and that should be enough (more or less).


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