Blog for

Chris Nolan chris at
Wed Nov 12 15:58:54 CET 2008

Andreas Thienemann wrote:
> On Wed, 12 Nov 2008, Andrea Musuruane wrote:
>> I don't agree. The purpose of this initiative is not to post personal
>> notes, but to post "official" announcement about RPM Fusion.
> For which everyone interested can add a rpmfusion category/tag to his blog 
> and only post rpmfusion related stuff in there.
> It's what I'm doing on in order not to swamp the 
> planet with crappy posts of no interest.
> regards,
>  andreas
 From an end-user perspective it makes sense to have a rpmfusion blog 
for rpmfusion news:

If an end-user wants to know something related to rpmfusion then the 
first place they will look is They do not even know who 
Thorsten, Xavier, and Hans are, let alone that these people are 
rpmfusion contributors and that these people may or may not have 
personal blogs somewhere on the net that may or may not hold some 
important information about rpmfusion that the end user is looking for.

Aggregating rpmfusion-related posts from these personal blogs is a step 
in the right direction, but doesn't solve the problem. An end user 
doesn't want (or even know how) to sign up to an aggregated feed to find 
this news. They expect the news to be at - not scattered 
around the net in various personal blogs.

Its all about putting the right information in the right place for the 
end-user to find.


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