Adobe Flash package (was Re: suns' java leagal issues)

مؤيد السعدي muayyad.alsadi at
Wed Nov 19 18:35:05 CET 2008

On Wed, 19 Nov 2008 12:01:36 +0100, Dominik 'Rathann' Mierzejewski
<dominik at> wrote:
> On Tuesday, 18 November 2008 at 18:24, مؤيد السعدي wrote:
>> >
>> > Btw, I recently checked adobe's flash agreement. That one definitely
>> > forbids redistribution.
>> >
>> > -oget
>> I don't have any problem with flash because adobe provide an official
> yum
>> repo for fedora
> Yes, they do, but their RPM package is crap. It doesn't even have proper
> Requires, because it's just an installer wrapped in RPM.
> I gave a link to my specfile for flash-plugin on fedora-devel-list the
> other
> day:
> Regards,
> R.
according to this summary
flash is Royalty-free only for PC (desktop and laptops) but not embedded
# Licensee must use the installers as-is without modification.

and here is the problem, "as-is" seems to refer to the installer
not the software

a escape from this is that the FAQ does not consider rpm to be an

so that is not a modification to the installer! or at least I just want to
take it so (don't take my word I'm not a lawer)

and here is another YES
> Can I change the Adobe Player installers or create my own?
> The Agreement does not allow for modifying the installers that are
provided via the Player Distribution Licensing Agreement in any way. For
example, you cannot use the contents to create a new installer or install
the Adobe Player to a location on disk other than that specified by the
provided installers. If you are using systems management software or
deployment tools, you may wrap the installers in the appropriate packaging
format for your system provided no other changes to the Adobe Player
installation are made.

notice "you **may wrap the installers** in the appropriate packaging format
for your system provided no other changes to the Adobe Player installation
are made.""

so this is a yes

the more serious thing about it is this term in the FAQ

> Can I make the Adobe Players available directly from my website?
> No. The Adobe free Player distribution agreement does not allow you to
distribute the Players from your website. 

I guess this mean that rpmfusion can't host such thing

the full text of the license

the funny thing that adobe don't want to answer us

> Can I get clarification of the legal terms by someone at Adobe?
> Adobe cannot offer legal guidance on the terms of the Player Distribution
Licensing Agreement; rather this is a matter between you and your attorney.
Adobe offers the License Agreement as-is and enters into custom agreements
on an extremely limited basis. 

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