Moving our (non)free packages from updates-testing -> updates

Thorsten Leemhuis fedora at
Fri Oct 17 18:49:15 CEST 2008

On 17.10.2008 12:40, Nicolas Chauvet (kwizart) wrote:
> As I'm trying to write the mock config files for rpmfusion(non)_free
> I've hit somes issues:
> Most (if not all) packages are available in updates-testing right now.
> This is annoying as the behaviour will be different from what to expect
> when rpmfusion will be officially opened.

As mentioned multiple times already I think it's a good thing for now, 
as we are still in the testing phase and this makes it obvious. But in a 
week or two it might be something else.

> As already reported on IRC, rpmfusion-(non)free-releease as supposed to
> set it's .repo files as %config(noreplace) /etc/yum.repos.d/* (like
> fedora-release)

As mention on IRC: I think we should leave it like that until we finally 
announce RPM Fusion. That way people will get new repo files (those that 
will disable -testing repos and enable the proper mirrormanager) 
installed even if they modified the repo files.

 > [...]
> Now I wonder what is the behaviour of the rpmfusion-(non)free.repo.
> For the stable release (F-8/F-9). As it is a set of packages that we
> known to fit well with the "gold" release of a given fedora version ,
> specially for akmods, as we are supposed to be ABI stable (and there is
> exeptions).

You lost me here, sorry.

 > [...]


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