Packages in F12 repositories signed with the F11 key

Thorsten Leemhuis fedora at
Mon Nov 16 15:17:44 CET 2009

Mary Ellen Foster wrote on 16.11.2009 14:59:
> Hi! I just installed F12 (from the RC disk) on a new computer, and
> discovered that there seem to be packages in the F12 rpmfusion
> repositories that are signed with the F11 signing key. The specific
> one that I noticed was livna-config-display, which refused to install
> until I downloaded and "rpm --import"ed the GPG key for F11. Is this a
> known issue?

This actually should be a fixed issue as of a few hours ago. Guess you
hit a not-up2date mirror. Sorry for that, was my fault.

/me still wonders why none of the fresh rawhide users complained over
the past few months

> There do seem to be a lot of packages with "fc11" in their name; the
> following command counted 207 packages...
> yum --disablerepo=* --enablerepo=rpmfusion-* list available | grep
> fc11 | grep -v debuginfo | wc -l

This is a FAQ not specific to rpmfusion that google can answer.

yum --disablerepo=* --enablerepo=fedora* list available | grep fc11 |
grep -v debuginfo | wc -l

In short: It's not a problem, just ignore.

The full truth is that RPM Fusion didn't to a mass-rebuild this release
cycle and Fedora did, that's why the number is quite for RPM Fusion and
quite low for Fedora.


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