Non-commercial redistributable game data

Jonathan Dieter jdieter at
Wed May 12 19:25:19 CEST 2010

I've noticed a number of games whose content is distributable as long as
it's distributed for free.  A few of those games have ended up in Fedora
but use autodownloader to download the game data.

I really don't like this method because, at least as I understand it,
the game data ends up in the user's home directory.  If another user
wants to play the game, they have to redownload the data.

What is the feasibility of providing -data packages in rpmfusion-nonfree
that would provide the data for said games, so the data could be
installed system-wide?  Can autodownloader (cc'ing autodownloader
maintainer) check for game data availability before downloading the data
off the internet?

I'm thinking of something like this:
User Jane has RPM Fusion enabled.  Jane wants to install the Ur-Quan
Masters, so she installs uqm-data, which Requires: uqm which Requires:
autodownloader.  The first time Jane starts uqm, autodownloader detects
that the data files are already installed and the game just starts.

User Albert doesn't have RPM Fusion enabled.  Albert install uqm which
Requires: autodownloader.  The first time Albert starts uqm,
autodownloader tells him that it needs to download the data files (which
is how it works right now).

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