What's wrong with my builds

Jarod Wilson jarod at wilsonet.com
Tue Sep 14 14:16:35 CEST 2010

2010/9/14 Göran Uddeborg <goeran at uddeborg.se>:
> Jarod Wilson:
>> The ProjectX builds were kill build-host side, because they were
>> causing the build host to swap itself to death.
> I see.  Thanks for the explanation.  (I hope it wasn't my fault in any
> way.)

Nope, issue was the plague server overloading the host with more
simultaneous jobs than it should have.

>> Please try
>> launching them anew and we'll see what happens...
> It worked, and the package is in updates-testing now. :-)

Excellent, sorry for the interim confusion.

Jarod Wilson
jarod at wilsonet.com

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