How to make nvidia-kmod source package build an akmod package

Richard Shaw hobbes1069 at
Sun May 15 14:49:03 CEST 2011

I'm getting a sound card that requires a newer version of the kernel
than F14 provides. (I need 2.6.38)

I was able to build and install a F15 pretty easily and after a bit of
poking around was able to manually make the nvidia-kmod package build
for the F15 kernel by overriding the kernel lists:

rpmbuild --define='kernels $(uname -r)' -bb...

I still don't completely understand how the newest/current kernel
version files interact but I would really like to get an akmod package
built so I don't have to manually roll the kmod package every time I
update the kernel.

What's the secret to that? I tried commenting out the buildforkernels
macro but that didn't seem to do it, presumably since it's still using
the kernel versions in the
"buildsys-build-rpmfusion-kerneldevpkgs-..." package.

BTW, the new 270.41.06 drivers are working well on my GTS450..


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