Livna down yet again

Ken Dreyer ktdreyer at
Sun Jul 1 06:58:39 CEST 2012

On Wed, Jun 27, 2012 at 9:19 AM, Thorsten Leemhuis <fedora at> wrote:
> So even when Livna gets back shipping packages for f17, rhel6, ... it
> might be worth discussing the issue again, as I mentioned a few months
> ago already. Best way forward imho is someone sending a question like
> "would you stop contributing to RPM Fusion if said package gets
> included" to all contributors and then decide considering the answers
> and all the other available information.

Maybe we could take a vote? Would the -devel list be appropriate?

Here's some strawman options:

Option A: Put libdvdcss into rpmfusion-free.

  Most convenient option for users. Some RPM Fusion devs or mirror
operators might object.

Option B: Create a parallel rpmfusion-libdvdcss repository, that would
be similar to our -free and -nonfree repos.

  This gives mirror operators the flexibility to exclude this
repository if they are not comfortable hosting the RPMs.

Option C: Put a libdvdcss spec into the rpmfusion-free CVS, but don't build it.

  The advantage here is that users at least can access the spec file
if livna goes down again.

Option D: Do nothing.

- Ken

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