RPM Fusion for Fedora 25 is signed

Sérgio Basto sergio at serjux.com
Tue Aug 30 17:21:13 CEST 2016

On Ter, 2016-08-30 at 16:52 +0200, Nicolas Chauvet wrote:
> Hello,
> With the release of Fedora 25 alpha today I'd like to mention that
> our
> repository in now signed for fedora 25. Signed packages have been
> pushed few hours ago (so mirrors are going to sync for few hours
> still).
> As a side effect, packages built for the f25-free and f25-nonfree
> target won't appear in the new buildroot automatically. This could be
> implemented using koji (see
> https://bugzilla.rpmfusion.org/show_bug.cgi?id=4226 ) instead of
> bodhi
> . That makes me wonder if there is really a need to implement bodhi
> for updates, or if the 3/ 4 days before to push can hold the workflow
> as it is ?

I though about a few days ago and with bodhi package maintainer could
control if is on testing or not, if workflow as is , we have to think
all as stable. 
Example : my packages on Fedora proper gammu and wammu, we have a new
version, I can build for all branches safely and think that packages
may stay in testing a very long time . 

> Thx for all the work done !
Sérgio M. B.

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