rpms/wl-kmod/F-9 wl-kmod.spec,1.3,1.4
by Chris Nolan
Author: cnolan
Update of /cvs/nonfree/rpms/wl-kmod/F-9
In directory se02.es.rpmfusion.net:/tmp/cvs-serv20159
Modified Files:
Log Message:
* Sat Nov 08 2008 Chris Nolan <chris(a)cenolan.com>
- Fixed incorrect use of /usr/src/kernels/${kernel_version%___*}
Index: wl-kmod.spec
RCS file: /cvs/nonfree/rpms/wl-kmod/F-9/wl-kmod.spec,v
retrieving revision 1.3
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -u -r1.3 -r1.4
--- wl-kmod.spec 8 Nov 2008 12:57:01 -0000 1.3
+++ wl-kmod.spec 8 Nov 2008 17:25:55 -0000 1.4
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
Name: wl-kmod
-Release: 4%{?dist}
+Release: 5%{?dist}
Summary: Kernel module for broadcom wireless devices
Group: System Environment/Kernel
License: Redistributable, no modification permitted
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
for kernel_version in %{?kernel_versions}; do
pushd _kmod_build_${kernel_version%%___*}
- make -C /usr/src/kernels/${kernel_version%%___*} M=`pwd` modules
+ make -C ${kernel_version##*___} M=`pwd` modules
@@ -84,6 +84,9 @@
+* Sat Nov 08 2008 Chris Nolan <chris(a)cenolan.com>
+- Fixed incorrect use of /usr/src/kernels/${kernel_version%%___*}
* Sun Nov 02 2008 Chris Nolan <chris(a)cenolan.com>
- Just a spec file tidy up, nothing new
16 years, 4 months
rpms/wl-kmod/F-8 wl-kmod.spec,1.1,1.2
by Chris Nolan
Author: cnolan
Update of /cvs/nonfree/rpms/wl-kmod/F-8
In directory se02.es.rpmfusion.net:/tmp/cvs-serv20106
Modified Files:
Log Message:
* Sat Nov 08 2008 Chris Nolan <chris(a)cenolan.com>
- Fixed incorrect use of /usr/src/kernels/${kernel_version%___*}
Index: wl-kmod.spec
RCS file: /cvs/nonfree/rpms/wl-kmod/F-8/wl-kmod.spec,v
retrieving revision 1.1
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -r1.1 -r1.2
--- wl-kmod.spec 8 Nov 2008 11:50:31 -0000 1.1
+++ wl-kmod.spec 8 Nov 2008 17:25:00 -0000 1.2
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
Name: wl-kmod
-Release: 4%{?dist}
+Release: 5%{?dist}
Summary: Kernel module for broadcom wireless devices
Group: System Environment/Kernel
License: Redistributable, no modification permitted
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
for kernel_version in %{?kernel_versions}; do
pushd _kmod_build_${kernel_version%%___*}
- make -C /usr/src/kernels/${kernel_version%%___*} M=`pwd` modules
+ make -C ${kernel_version##*___} M=`pwd` modules
@@ -84,6 +84,9 @@
+* Sat Nov 08 2008 Chris Nolan <chris(a)cenolan.com>
+- Fixed incorrect use of /usr/src/kernels/${kernel_version%%___*}
* Sun Nov 02 2008 Chris Nolan <chris(a)cenolan.com>
- Just a spec file tidy up, nothing new
16 years, 4 months
rpms/wl-kmod/F-9 wl-kmod.spec,1.2,1.3
by Chris Nolan
Author: cnolan
Update of /cvs/nonfree/rpms/wl-kmod/F-9
In directory se02.es.rpmfusion.net:/tmp/cvs-serv6311
Modified Files:
Log Message:
reverted buildforkernels
Index: wl-kmod.spec
RCS file: /cvs/nonfree/rpms/wl-kmod/F-9/wl-kmod.spec,v
retrieving revision 1.2
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -r1.2 -r1.3
--- wl-kmod.spec 8 Nov 2008 12:47:50 -0000 1.2
+++ wl-kmod.spec 8 Nov 2008 12:57:01 -0000 1.3
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
# "buildforkernels newest" macro for just that build; immediately after
# queuing that build enable the macro again for subsequent builds; that way
# a new akmod package will only get build when a new one is actually needed
-#%define buildforkernels newest
+%define buildforkernels newest
Name: wl-kmod
16 years, 4 months
rpms/wl-kmod/F-9 wl-kmod.spec,1.1,1.2
by Chris Nolan
Author: cnolan
Update of /cvs/nonfree/rpms/wl-kmod/F-9
In directory se02.es.rpmfusion.net:/tmp/cvs-serv5812
Modified Files:
Log Message:
* Sun Nov 02 2008 Chris Nolan <chris(a)cenolan.com>
- Just a spec file tidy up, nothing new
Index: wl-kmod.spec
RCS file: /cvs/nonfree/rpms/wl-kmod/F-9/wl-kmod.spec,v
retrieving revision 1.1
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -r1.1 -r1.2
--- wl-kmod.spec 8 Nov 2008 11:51:16 -0000 1.1
+++ wl-kmod.spec 8 Nov 2008 12:47:50 -0000 1.2
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
# "buildforkernels newest" macro for just that build; immediately after
# queuing that build enable the macro again for subsequent builds; that way
# a new akmod package will only get build when a new one is actually needed
-%define buildforkernels newest
+#%define buildforkernels newest
Name: wl-kmod
16 years, 4 months
rpms/wl-kmod/F-9 broadcom-wl-, NONE, 1.1 broadcom-wl-, NONE, 1.1 broadcom-wl-kmodtool-excludekernel-filterfile, NONE, 1.1 wl-kmod.spec, NONE, 1.1 .cvsignore, 1.1, 1.2 sources, 1.1, 1.2
by Chris Nolan
Author: cnolan
Update of /cvs/nonfree/rpms/wl-kmod/F-9
In directory se02.es.rpmfusion.net:/tmp/cvs-serv2464/F-9
Modified Files:
.cvsignore sources
Added Files:
broadcom-wl-kmodtool-excludekernel-filterfile wl-kmod.spec
Log Message:
Initial import
--- NEW FILE broadcom-wl- ---
--- hybrid_wl.old/src/wl/sys/wl_iw.c 2008-10-14 01:04:20.000000000 -0400
+++ hybrid_wl/src/wl/sys/wl_iw.c 2008-10-14 01:32:39.000000000 -0400
@@ -931,12 +931,12 @@
iwe.cmd = SIOCGIWAP;
iwe.u.ap_addr.sa_family = ARPHRD_ETHER;
memcpy(iwe.u.ap_addr.sa_data, &bi->BSSID, ETHER_ADDR_LEN);
- event = iwe_stream_add_event(event, end, &iwe, IW_EV_ADDR_LEN);
+ event = iwe_stream_add_event(info, event, end, &iwe, IW_EV_ADDR_LEN);
iwe.u.data.length = dtoh32(bi->SSID_len);
iwe.u.data.flags = 1;
- event = iwe_stream_add_point(event, end, &iwe, bi->SSID);
+ event = iwe_stream_add_point(info, event, end, &iwe, bi->SSID);
if (dtoh16(bi->capability) & (DOT11_CAP_ESS | DOT11_CAP_IBSS)) {
iwe.cmd = SIOCGIWMODE;
@@ -944,7 +944,7 @@
iwe.u.mode = IW_MODE_INFRA;
iwe.u.mode = IW_MODE_ADHOC;
- event = iwe_stream_add_event(event, end, &iwe, IW_EV_UINT_LEN);
+ event = iwe_stream_add_event(info, event, end, &iwe, IW_EV_UINT_LEN);
iwe.cmd = SIOCGIWFREQ;
@@ -952,13 +952,13 @@
iwe.u.freq.e = 6;
- event = iwe_stream_add_event(event, end, &iwe, IW_EV_FREQ_LEN);
+ event = iwe_stream_add_event(info, event, end, &iwe, IW_EV_FREQ_LEN);
iwe.cmd = IWEVQUAL;
iwe.u.qual.qual = rssi_to_qual(dtoh16(bi->RSSI));
iwe.u.qual.level = 0x100 + dtoh16(bi->RSSI);
iwe.u.qual.noise = 0x100 + bi->phy_noise;
- event = iwe_stream_add_event(event, end, &iwe, IW_EV_QUAL_LEN);
+ event = iwe_stream_add_event(info, event, end, &iwe, IW_EV_QUAL_LEN);
@@ -970,7 +970,7 @@
if ((ie = bcm_parse_tlvs(ptr, ptr_len, DOT11_MNG_RSN_ID))) {
iwe.cmd = IWEVGENIE;
iwe.u.data.length = ie->len + 2;
- event = iwe_stream_add_point(event, end, &iwe, (char *)ie);
+ event = iwe_stream_add_point(info, event, end, &iwe, (char *)ie);
ptr = ((uint8 *)bi) + sizeof(wl_bss_info_t);
while ((ie = bcm_parse_tlvs(ptr, ptr_len, DOT11_MNG_WPA_ID))) {
@@ -978,7 +978,7 @@
if (ie_is_wps_ie(((uint8 **)&ie), &ptr, &ptr_len)) {
iwe.cmd = IWEVGENIE;
iwe.u.data.length = ie->len + 2;
- event = iwe_stream_add_point(event, end, &iwe, (char *)ie);
+ event = iwe_stream_add_point(info, event, end, &iwe, (char *)ie);
@@ -989,7 +989,7 @@
if (ie_is_wpa_ie(((uint8 **)&ie), &ptr, &ptr_len)) {
iwe.cmd = IWEVGENIE;
iwe.u.data.length = ie->len + 2;
- event = iwe_stream_add_point(event, end, &iwe, (char *)ie);
+ event = iwe_stream_add_point(info, event, end, &iwe, (char *)ie);
goto done;
@@ -1003,7 +1003,7 @@
iwe.u.data.flags = IW_ENCODE_DISABLED;
iwe.u.data.length = 0;
- event = iwe_stream_add_point(event, end, &iwe, (char *)event);
+ event = iwe_stream_add_point(info, event, end, &iwe, (char *)event);
if (bi->rateset.count) {
value = event + IW_EV_LCP_LEN;
@@ -1012,7 +1012,7 @@
iwe.u.bitrate.fixed = iwe.u.bitrate.disabled = 0;
for (j = 0; j < bi->rateset.count && j < IW_MAX_BITRATES; j++) {
iwe.u.bitrate.value = (bi->rateset.rates[j] & 0x7f) * 500000;
- value = iwe_stream_add_value(event, value, end, &iwe,
+ value = iwe_stream_add_value(info, event, value, end, &iwe,
event = value;
--- NEW FILE broadcom-wl- ---
--- hybrid_wl.old/src/wl/sys/wl_iw.c
+++ hybrid_wl/src/wl/sys/wl_iw.c
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ dev_wlc_ioctl(
return ret;
-static int
struct net_device *dev,
char *name,
--- hybrid_wl.old/src/wl/sys/wl_linux.c
+++ hybrid_wl/src/wl/sys/wl_linux.c
@@ -245,6 +245,8 @@ static struct pci_device_id wl_id_table[] = {
MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(pci, wl_id_table);
#ifdef BCMDBG
static int msglevel = 0xdeadbeef;
module_param(msglevel, int, 0);
@@ -288,6 +290,8 @@ void wl_if_setup(struct net_device *dev)
+extern int dev_wlc_intvar_set(struct net_device *dev, char *name, int val);
static wl_info_t *
wl_attach(uint16 vendor, uint16 device, ulong regs, uint bustype, void *btparam, uint irq)
@@ -438,6 +442,9 @@ wl_attach(uint16 vendor, uint16 device, ulong regs, uint bustype, void *btparam,
printf("%s: Broadcom BCM%04x 802.11 Wireless Controller " EPI_VERSION_STR,
dev->name, device);
+ /* Work around. Default vlan_mode to off */
+ wlc_iovar_setint(wl->wlc, "vlan_mode", OFF);
#ifdef BCMDBG
printf(" (Compiled in " SRCBASE " at " __TIME__ " on " __DATE__ ")");
--- NEW FILE broadcom-wl-kmodtool-excludekernel-filterfile ---
--- NEW FILE wl-kmod.spec ---
# buildforkernels macro hint: when you build a new version or a new release
# that contains bugfixes or other improvements then you must disable the
# "buildforkernels newest" macro for just that build; immediately after
# queuing that build enable the macro again for subsequent builds; that way
# a new akmod package will only get build when a new one is actually needed
%define buildforkernels newest
Name: wl-kmod
Release: 4%{?dist}
Summary: Kernel module for broadcom wireless devices
Group: System Environment/Kernel
License: Redistributable, no modification permitted
URL: http://www.broadcom.com/support/802.11/linux_sta.php
Source0: http://www.broadcom.com/docs/linux_sta/hybrid-portsrc-x86_32_5_10_27_6.ta...
Source1: http://www.broadcom.com/docs/linux_sta/hybrid-portsrc-x86_64_5_10_27_6.ta...
Source11: broadcom-wl-kmodtool-excludekernel-filterfile
Patch0: broadcom-wl-
Patch1: broadcom-wl-
BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n)
BuildRequires: %{_bindir}/kmodtool
# needed for plague to make sure it builds for i586 and i686
ExclusiveArch: i586 i686 x86_64
# ppc disabled because broadcom only provides x86 and x86_64 bits
%{!?kernels:BuildRequires: buildsys-build-rpmfusion-kerneldevpkgs-%{?buildforkernels:%{buildforkernels}}%{!?buildforkernels:current}-%{_target_cpu} }
# kmodtool does its magic here
%{expand:%(kmodtool --target %{_target_cpu} --repo rpmfusion --kmodname %{name} --filterfile %{SOURCE11} %{?buildforkernels:--%{buildforkernels}} %{?kernels:--for-kernels "%{?kernels}"} 2>/dev/null) }
These packages contain Broadcom's IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n hybrid Linux device
driver for use with Broadcom's BCM4311-, BCM4312-, BCM4321-, and BCM4322
based hardware.
NOTE: You must read the LICENSE.txt file in the docs directory before using
this software.
# error out if there was something wrong with kmodtool
# print kmodtool output for debugging purposes:
kmodtool --target %{_target_cpu} --repo rpmfusion --kmodname %{name} --filterfile %{SOURCE11} %{?buildforkernels:--%{buildforkernels}} %{?kernels:--for-kernels "%{?kernels}"} 2>/dev/null
%setup -q -c -T
mkdir %{name}-%{version}-src
pushd %{name}-%{version}-src
%ifarch %{ix86}
tar xzf %{SOURCE0}
tar xzf %{SOURCE1}
%patch0 -p1 -b .iwestream
%patch1 -p1 -b .vlanmode
for kernel_version in %{?kernel_versions} ; do
cp -a %{name}-%{version}-src _kmod_build_${kernel_version%%___*}
for kernel_version in %{?kernel_versions}; do
pushd _kmod_build_${kernel_version%%___*}
make -C /usr/src/kernels/${kernel_version%%___*} M=`pwd` modules
rm -rf ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}
for kernel_version in %{?kernel_versions}; do
pushd _kmod_build_${kernel_version%%___*}
mkdir -p ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{kmodinstdir_prefix}/${kernel_version%%___*}/%{kmodinstdir_postfix}
install -m 644 *.ko ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{kmodinstdir_prefix}/${kernel_version%%___*}/%{kmodinstdir_postfix}
chmod 0755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{kmodinstdir_prefix}/*/%{kmodinstdir_postfix}/*
* Sun Nov 02 2008 Chris Nolan <chris(a)cenolan.com>
- Just a spec file tidy up, nothing new
* Thu Oct 30 2008 Chris Nolan <chris(a)cenolan.com>
- Moved userland package broadcom-wl into separate package
* Mon Oct 27 2008 Chris Nolan <chris(a)cenolan.com>
- Patch to fix vlanmode issue which prevents SSH connections when the driver is used.
- Changed kmod name to wl-kmod as per convention
- Added userland package broadcom-wl which provides kmod-wl-common which contains the required license doc
* Sat Oct 25 2008 Jarod Wilson <jarod(a)wilsonet.com>
- Initial build.
Index: .cvsignore
RCS file: /cvs/nonfree/rpms/wl-kmod/F-9/.cvsignore,v
retrieving revision 1.1
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -r1.1 -r1.2
--- .cvsignore 7 Nov 2008 09:01:26 -0000 1.1
+++ .cvsignore 8 Nov 2008 11:51:16 -0000 1.2
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
Index: sources
RCS file: /cvs/nonfree/rpms/wl-kmod/F-9/sources,v
retrieving revision 1.1
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -r1.1 -r1.2
--- sources 7 Nov 2008 09:01:26 -0000 1.1
+++ sources 8 Nov 2008 11:51:16 -0000 1.2
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+7f50d89179e637225bd97022b323c27e hybrid-portsrc-x86_32_5_10_27_6.tar.gz
+d61e5ad289fc5f0b62e0656f90b451a7 hybrid-portsrc-x86_64_5_10_27_6.tar.gz
16 years, 4 months
rpms/wl-kmod/F-8 broadcom-wl-, NONE, 1.1 broadcom-wl-, NONE, 1.1 broadcom-wl-kmodtool-excludekernel-filterfile, NONE, 1.1 wl-kmod.spec, NONE, 1.1 .cvsignore, 1.1, 1.2 sources, 1.1, 1.2
by Chris Nolan
Author: cnolan
Update of /cvs/nonfree/rpms/wl-kmod/F-8
In directory se02.es.rpmfusion.net:/tmp/cvs-serv2213/F-8
Modified Files:
.cvsignore sources
Added Files:
broadcom-wl-kmodtool-excludekernel-filterfile wl-kmod.spec
Log Message:
Initial import
--- NEW FILE broadcom-wl- ---
--- hybrid_wl.old/src/wl/sys/wl_iw.c 2008-10-14 01:04:20.000000000 -0400
+++ hybrid_wl/src/wl/sys/wl_iw.c 2008-10-14 01:32:39.000000000 -0400
@@ -931,12 +931,12 @@
iwe.cmd = SIOCGIWAP;
iwe.u.ap_addr.sa_family = ARPHRD_ETHER;
memcpy(iwe.u.ap_addr.sa_data, &bi->BSSID, ETHER_ADDR_LEN);
- event = iwe_stream_add_event(event, end, &iwe, IW_EV_ADDR_LEN);
+ event = iwe_stream_add_event(info, event, end, &iwe, IW_EV_ADDR_LEN);
iwe.u.data.length = dtoh32(bi->SSID_len);
iwe.u.data.flags = 1;
- event = iwe_stream_add_point(event, end, &iwe, bi->SSID);
+ event = iwe_stream_add_point(info, event, end, &iwe, bi->SSID);
if (dtoh16(bi->capability) & (DOT11_CAP_ESS | DOT11_CAP_IBSS)) {
iwe.cmd = SIOCGIWMODE;
@@ -944,7 +944,7 @@
iwe.u.mode = IW_MODE_INFRA;
iwe.u.mode = IW_MODE_ADHOC;
- event = iwe_stream_add_event(event, end, &iwe, IW_EV_UINT_LEN);
+ event = iwe_stream_add_event(info, event, end, &iwe, IW_EV_UINT_LEN);
iwe.cmd = SIOCGIWFREQ;
@@ -952,13 +952,13 @@
iwe.u.freq.e = 6;
- event = iwe_stream_add_event(event, end, &iwe, IW_EV_FREQ_LEN);
+ event = iwe_stream_add_event(info, event, end, &iwe, IW_EV_FREQ_LEN);
iwe.cmd = IWEVQUAL;
iwe.u.qual.qual = rssi_to_qual(dtoh16(bi->RSSI));
iwe.u.qual.level = 0x100 + dtoh16(bi->RSSI);
iwe.u.qual.noise = 0x100 + bi->phy_noise;
- event = iwe_stream_add_event(event, end, &iwe, IW_EV_QUAL_LEN);
+ event = iwe_stream_add_event(info, event, end, &iwe, IW_EV_QUAL_LEN);
@@ -970,7 +970,7 @@
if ((ie = bcm_parse_tlvs(ptr, ptr_len, DOT11_MNG_RSN_ID))) {
iwe.cmd = IWEVGENIE;
iwe.u.data.length = ie->len + 2;
- event = iwe_stream_add_point(event, end, &iwe, (char *)ie);
+ event = iwe_stream_add_point(info, event, end, &iwe, (char *)ie);
ptr = ((uint8 *)bi) + sizeof(wl_bss_info_t);
while ((ie = bcm_parse_tlvs(ptr, ptr_len, DOT11_MNG_WPA_ID))) {
@@ -978,7 +978,7 @@
if (ie_is_wps_ie(((uint8 **)&ie), &ptr, &ptr_len)) {
iwe.cmd = IWEVGENIE;
iwe.u.data.length = ie->len + 2;
- event = iwe_stream_add_point(event, end, &iwe, (char *)ie);
+ event = iwe_stream_add_point(info, event, end, &iwe, (char *)ie);
@@ -989,7 +989,7 @@
if (ie_is_wpa_ie(((uint8 **)&ie), &ptr, &ptr_len)) {
iwe.cmd = IWEVGENIE;
iwe.u.data.length = ie->len + 2;
- event = iwe_stream_add_point(event, end, &iwe, (char *)ie);
+ event = iwe_stream_add_point(info, event, end, &iwe, (char *)ie);
goto done;
@@ -1003,7 +1003,7 @@
iwe.u.data.flags = IW_ENCODE_DISABLED;
iwe.u.data.length = 0;
- event = iwe_stream_add_point(event, end, &iwe, (char *)event);
+ event = iwe_stream_add_point(info, event, end, &iwe, (char *)event);
if (bi->rateset.count) {
value = event + IW_EV_LCP_LEN;
@@ -1012,7 +1012,7 @@
iwe.u.bitrate.fixed = iwe.u.bitrate.disabled = 0;
for (j = 0; j < bi->rateset.count && j < IW_MAX_BITRATES; j++) {
iwe.u.bitrate.value = (bi->rateset.rates[j] & 0x7f) * 500000;
- value = iwe_stream_add_value(event, value, end, &iwe,
+ value = iwe_stream_add_value(info, event, value, end, &iwe,
event = value;
--- NEW FILE broadcom-wl- ---
--- hybrid_wl.old/src/wl/sys/wl_iw.c
+++ hybrid_wl/src/wl/sys/wl_iw.c
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ dev_wlc_ioctl(
return ret;
-static int
struct net_device *dev,
char *name,
--- hybrid_wl.old/src/wl/sys/wl_linux.c
+++ hybrid_wl/src/wl/sys/wl_linux.c
@@ -245,6 +245,8 @@ static struct pci_device_id wl_id_table[] = {
MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(pci, wl_id_table);
#ifdef BCMDBG
static int msglevel = 0xdeadbeef;
module_param(msglevel, int, 0);
@@ -288,6 +290,8 @@ void wl_if_setup(struct net_device *dev)
+extern int dev_wlc_intvar_set(struct net_device *dev, char *name, int val);
static wl_info_t *
wl_attach(uint16 vendor, uint16 device, ulong regs, uint bustype, void *btparam, uint irq)
@@ -438,6 +442,9 @@ wl_attach(uint16 vendor, uint16 device, ulong regs, uint bustype, void *btparam,
printf("%s: Broadcom BCM%04x 802.11 Wireless Controller " EPI_VERSION_STR,
dev->name, device);
+ /* Work around. Default vlan_mode to off */
+ wlc_iovar_setint(wl->wlc, "vlan_mode", OFF);
#ifdef BCMDBG
printf(" (Compiled in " SRCBASE " at " __TIME__ " on " __DATE__ ")");
--- NEW FILE broadcom-wl-kmodtool-excludekernel-filterfile ---
--- NEW FILE wl-kmod.spec ---
# buildforkernels macro hint: when you build a new version or a new release
# that contains bugfixes or other improvements then you must disable the
# "buildforkernels newest" macro for just that build; immediately after
# queuing that build enable the macro again for subsequent builds; that way
# a new akmod package will only get build when a new one is actually needed
%define buildforkernels newest
Name: wl-kmod
Release: 4%{?dist}
Summary: Kernel module for broadcom wireless devices
Group: System Environment/Kernel
License: Redistributable, no modification permitted
URL: http://www.broadcom.com/support/802.11/linux_sta.php
Source0: http://www.broadcom.com/docs/linux_sta/hybrid-portsrc-x86_32_5_10_27_6.ta...
Source1: http://www.broadcom.com/docs/linux_sta/hybrid-portsrc-x86_64_5_10_27_6.ta...
Source11: broadcom-wl-kmodtool-excludekernel-filterfile
Patch0: broadcom-wl-
Patch1: broadcom-wl-
BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n)
BuildRequires: %{_bindir}/kmodtool
# needed for plague to make sure it builds for i586 and i686
ExclusiveArch: i586 i686 x86_64
# ppc disabled because broadcom only provides x86 and x86_64 bits
%{!?kernels:BuildRequires: buildsys-build-rpmfusion-kerneldevpkgs-%{?buildforkernels:%{buildforkernels}}%{!?buildforkernels:current}-%{_target_cpu} }
# kmodtool does its magic here
%{expand:%(kmodtool --target %{_target_cpu} --repo rpmfusion --kmodname %{name} --filterfile %{SOURCE11} %{?buildforkernels:--%{buildforkernels}} %{?kernels:--for-kernels "%{?kernels}"} 2>/dev/null) }
These packages contain Broadcom's IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n hybrid Linux device
driver for use with Broadcom's BCM4311-, BCM4312-, BCM4321-, and BCM4322
based hardware.
NOTE: You must read the LICENSE.txt file in the docs directory before using
this software.
# error out if there was something wrong with kmodtool
# print kmodtool output for debugging purposes:
kmodtool --target %{_target_cpu} --repo rpmfusion --kmodname %{name} --filterfile %{SOURCE11} %{?buildforkernels:--%{buildforkernels}} %{?kernels:--for-kernels "%{?kernels}"} 2>/dev/null
%setup -q -c -T
mkdir %{name}-%{version}-src
pushd %{name}-%{version}-src
%ifarch %{ix86}
tar xzf %{SOURCE0}
tar xzf %{SOURCE1}
%patch0 -p1 -b .iwestream
%patch1 -p1 -b .vlanmode
for kernel_version in %{?kernel_versions} ; do
cp -a %{name}-%{version}-src _kmod_build_${kernel_version%%___*}
for kernel_version in %{?kernel_versions}; do
pushd _kmod_build_${kernel_version%%___*}
make -C /usr/src/kernels/${kernel_version%%___*} M=`pwd` modules
rm -rf ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}
for kernel_version in %{?kernel_versions}; do
pushd _kmod_build_${kernel_version%%___*}
mkdir -p ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{kmodinstdir_prefix}/${kernel_version%%___*}/%{kmodinstdir_postfix}
install -m 644 *.ko ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{kmodinstdir_prefix}/${kernel_version%%___*}/%{kmodinstdir_postfix}
chmod 0755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{kmodinstdir_prefix}/*/%{kmodinstdir_postfix}/*
* Sun Nov 02 2008 Chris Nolan <chris(a)cenolan.com>
- Just a spec file tidy up, nothing new
* Thu Oct 30 2008 Chris Nolan <chris(a)cenolan.com>
- Moved userland package broadcom-wl into separate package
* Mon Oct 27 2008 Chris Nolan <chris(a)cenolan.com>
- Patch to fix vlanmode issue which prevents SSH connections when the driver is used.
- Changed kmod name to wl-kmod as per convention
- Added userland package broadcom-wl which provides kmod-wl-common which contains the required license doc
* Sat Oct 25 2008 Jarod Wilson <jarod(a)wilsonet.com>
- Initial build.
Index: .cvsignore
RCS file: /cvs/nonfree/rpms/wl-kmod/F-8/.cvsignore,v
retrieving revision 1.1
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -r1.1 -r1.2
--- .cvsignore 7 Nov 2008 09:01:26 -0000 1.1
+++ .cvsignore 8 Nov 2008 11:50:31 -0000 1.2
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
Index: sources
RCS file: /cvs/nonfree/rpms/wl-kmod/F-8/sources,v
retrieving revision 1.1
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -r1.1 -r1.2
--- sources 7 Nov 2008 09:01:26 -0000 1.1
+++ sources 8 Nov 2008 11:50:31 -0000 1.2
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+7f50d89179e637225bd97022b323c27e hybrid-portsrc-x86_32_5_10_27_6.tar.gz
+d61e5ad289fc5f0b62e0656f90b451a7 hybrid-portsrc-x86_64_5_10_27_6.tar.gz
16 years, 4 months
rpms/wl-kmod/devel broadcom-wl-, NONE, 1.1 broadcom-wl-, NONE, 1.1 broadcom-wl-kmodtool-excludekernel-filterfile, NONE, 1.1 wl-kmod.spec, NONE, 1.1 .cvsignore, 1.1, 1.2 sources, 1.1, 1.2
by Chris Nolan
Author: cnolan
Update of /cvs/nonfree/rpms/wl-kmod/devel
In directory se02.es.rpmfusion.net:/tmp/cvs-serv1850/devel
Modified Files:
.cvsignore sources
Added Files:
broadcom-wl-kmodtool-excludekernel-filterfile wl-kmod.spec
Log Message:
Initial import
--- NEW FILE broadcom-wl- ---
--- hybrid_wl.old/src/wl/sys/wl_iw.c 2008-10-14 01:04:20.000000000 -0400
+++ hybrid_wl/src/wl/sys/wl_iw.c 2008-10-14 01:32:39.000000000 -0400
@@ -931,12 +931,12 @@
iwe.cmd = SIOCGIWAP;
iwe.u.ap_addr.sa_family = ARPHRD_ETHER;
memcpy(iwe.u.ap_addr.sa_data, &bi->BSSID, ETHER_ADDR_LEN);
- event = iwe_stream_add_event(event, end, &iwe, IW_EV_ADDR_LEN);
+ event = iwe_stream_add_event(info, event, end, &iwe, IW_EV_ADDR_LEN);
iwe.u.data.length = dtoh32(bi->SSID_len);
iwe.u.data.flags = 1;
- event = iwe_stream_add_point(event, end, &iwe, bi->SSID);
+ event = iwe_stream_add_point(info, event, end, &iwe, bi->SSID);
if (dtoh16(bi->capability) & (DOT11_CAP_ESS | DOT11_CAP_IBSS)) {
iwe.cmd = SIOCGIWMODE;
@@ -944,7 +944,7 @@
iwe.u.mode = IW_MODE_INFRA;
iwe.u.mode = IW_MODE_ADHOC;
- event = iwe_stream_add_event(event, end, &iwe, IW_EV_UINT_LEN);
+ event = iwe_stream_add_event(info, event, end, &iwe, IW_EV_UINT_LEN);
iwe.cmd = SIOCGIWFREQ;
@@ -952,13 +952,13 @@
iwe.u.freq.e = 6;
- event = iwe_stream_add_event(event, end, &iwe, IW_EV_FREQ_LEN);
+ event = iwe_stream_add_event(info, event, end, &iwe, IW_EV_FREQ_LEN);
iwe.cmd = IWEVQUAL;
iwe.u.qual.qual = rssi_to_qual(dtoh16(bi->RSSI));
iwe.u.qual.level = 0x100 + dtoh16(bi->RSSI);
iwe.u.qual.noise = 0x100 + bi->phy_noise;
- event = iwe_stream_add_event(event, end, &iwe, IW_EV_QUAL_LEN);
+ event = iwe_stream_add_event(info, event, end, &iwe, IW_EV_QUAL_LEN);
@@ -970,7 +970,7 @@
if ((ie = bcm_parse_tlvs(ptr, ptr_len, DOT11_MNG_RSN_ID))) {
iwe.cmd = IWEVGENIE;
iwe.u.data.length = ie->len + 2;
- event = iwe_stream_add_point(event, end, &iwe, (char *)ie);
+ event = iwe_stream_add_point(info, event, end, &iwe, (char *)ie);
ptr = ((uint8 *)bi) + sizeof(wl_bss_info_t);
while ((ie = bcm_parse_tlvs(ptr, ptr_len, DOT11_MNG_WPA_ID))) {
@@ -978,7 +978,7 @@
if (ie_is_wps_ie(((uint8 **)&ie), &ptr, &ptr_len)) {
iwe.cmd = IWEVGENIE;
iwe.u.data.length = ie->len + 2;
- event = iwe_stream_add_point(event, end, &iwe, (char *)ie);
+ event = iwe_stream_add_point(info, event, end, &iwe, (char *)ie);
@@ -989,7 +989,7 @@
if (ie_is_wpa_ie(((uint8 **)&ie), &ptr, &ptr_len)) {
iwe.cmd = IWEVGENIE;
iwe.u.data.length = ie->len + 2;
- event = iwe_stream_add_point(event, end, &iwe, (char *)ie);
+ event = iwe_stream_add_point(info, event, end, &iwe, (char *)ie);
goto done;
@@ -1003,7 +1003,7 @@
iwe.u.data.flags = IW_ENCODE_DISABLED;
iwe.u.data.length = 0;
- event = iwe_stream_add_point(event, end, &iwe, (char *)event);
+ event = iwe_stream_add_point(info, event, end, &iwe, (char *)event);
if (bi->rateset.count) {
value = event + IW_EV_LCP_LEN;
@@ -1012,7 +1012,7 @@
iwe.u.bitrate.fixed = iwe.u.bitrate.disabled = 0;
for (j = 0; j < bi->rateset.count && j < IW_MAX_BITRATES; j++) {
iwe.u.bitrate.value = (bi->rateset.rates[j] & 0x7f) * 500000;
- value = iwe_stream_add_value(event, value, end, &iwe,
+ value = iwe_stream_add_value(info, event, value, end, &iwe,
event = value;
--- NEW FILE broadcom-wl- ---
--- hybrid_wl.old/src/wl/sys/wl_iw.c
+++ hybrid_wl/src/wl/sys/wl_iw.c
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ dev_wlc_ioctl(
return ret;
-static int
struct net_device *dev,
char *name,
--- hybrid_wl.old/src/wl/sys/wl_linux.c
+++ hybrid_wl/src/wl/sys/wl_linux.c
@@ -245,6 +245,8 @@ static struct pci_device_id wl_id_table[] = {
MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(pci, wl_id_table);
#ifdef BCMDBG
static int msglevel = 0xdeadbeef;
module_param(msglevel, int, 0);
@@ -288,6 +290,8 @@ void wl_if_setup(struct net_device *dev)
+extern int dev_wlc_intvar_set(struct net_device *dev, char *name, int val);
static wl_info_t *
wl_attach(uint16 vendor, uint16 device, ulong regs, uint bustype, void *btparam, uint irq)
@@ -438,6 +442,9 @@ wl_attach(uint16 vendor, uint16 device, ulong regs, uint bustype, void *btparam,
printf("%s: Broadcom BCM%04x 802.11 Wireless Controller " EPI_VERSION_STR,
dev->name, device);
+ /* Work around. Default vlan_mode to off */
+ wlc_iovar_setint(wl->wlc, "vlan_mode", OFF);
#ifdef BCMDBG
printf(" (Compiled in " SRCBASE " at " __TIME__ " on " __DATE__ ")");
--- NEW FILE broadcom-wl-kmodtool-excludekernel-filterfile ---
--- NEW FILE wl-kmod.spec ---
# buildforkernels macro hint: when you build a new version or a new release
# that contains bugfixes or other improvements then you must disable the
# "buildforkernels newest" macro for just that build; immediately after
# queuing that build enable the macro again for subsequent builds; that way
# a new akmod package will only get build when a new one is actually needed
%define buildforkernels newest
Name: wl-kmod
Release: 4%{?dist}
Summary: Kernel module for broadcom wireless devices
Group: System Environment/Kernel
License: Redistributable, no modification permitted
URL: http://www.broadcom.com/support/802.11/linux_sta.php
Source0: http://www.broadcom.com/docs/linux_sta/hybrid-portsrc-x86_32_5_10_27_6.ta...
Source1: http://www.broadcom.com/docs/linux_sta/hybrid-portsrc-x86_64_5_10_27_6.ta...
Source11: broadcom-wl-kmodtool-excludekernel-filterfile
Patch0: broadcom-wl-
Patch1: broadcom-wl-
BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n)
BuildRequires: %{_bindir}/kmodtool
# needed for plague to make sure it builds for i586 and i686
ExclusiveArch: i586 i686 x86_64
# ppc disabled because broadcom only provides x86 and x86_64 bits
%{!?kernels:BuildRequires: buildsys-build-rpmfusion-kerneldevpkgs-%{?buildforkernels:%{buildforkernels}}%{!?buildforkernels:current}-%{_target_cpu} }
# kmodtool does its magic here
%{expand:%(kmodtool --target %{_target_cpu} --repo rpmfusion --kmodname %{name} --filterfile %{SOURCE11} %{?buildforkernels:--%{buildforkernels}} %{?kernels:--for-kernels "%{?kernels}"} 2>/dev/null) }
These packages contain Broadcom's IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n hybrid Linux device
driver for use with Broadcom's BCM4311-, BCM4312-, BCM4321-, and BCM4322
based hardware.
NOTE: You must read the LICENSE.txt file in the docs directory before using
this software.
# error out if there was something wrong with kmodtool
# print kmodtool output for debugging purposes:
kmodtool --target %{_target_cpu} --repo rpmfusion --kmodname %{name} --filterfile %{SOURCE11} %{?buildforkernels:--%{buildforkernels}} %{?kernels:--for-kernels "%{?kernels}"} 2>/dev/null
%setup -q -c -T
mkdir %{name}-%{version}-src
pushd %{name}-%{version}-src
%ifarch %{ix86}
tar xzf %{SOURCE0}
tar xzf %{SOURCE1}
%patch0 -p1 -b .iwestream
%patch1 -p1 -b .vlanmode
for kernel_version in %{?kernel_versions} ; do
cp -a %{name}-%{version}-src _kmod_build_${kernel_version%%___*}
for kernel_version in %{?kernel_versions}; do
pushd _kmod_build_${kernel_version%%___*}
make -C /usr/src/kernels/${kernel_version%%___*} M=`pwd` modules
rm -rf ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}
for kernel_version in %{?kernel_versions}; do
pushd _kmod_build_${kernel_version%%___*}
mkdir -p ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{kmodinstdir_prefix}/${kernel_version%%___*}/%{kmodinstdir_postfix}
install -m 644 *.ko ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{kmodinstdir_prefix}/${kernel_version%%___*}/%{kmodinstdir_postfix}
chmod 0755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{kmodinstdir_prefix}/*/%{kmodinstdir_postfix}/*
* Sun Nov 02 2008 Chris Nolan <chris(a)cenolan.com>
- Just a spec file tidy up, nothing new
* Thu Oct 30 2008 Chris Nolan <chris(a)cenolan.com>
- Moved userland package broadcom-wl into separate package
* Mon Oct 27 2008 Chris Nolan <chris(a)cenolan.com>
- Patch to fix vlanmode issue which prevents SSH connections when the driver is used.
- Changed kmod name to wl-kmod as per convention
- Added userland package broadcom-wl which provides kmod-wl-common which contains the required license doc
* Sat Oct 25 2008 Jarod Wilson <jarod(a)wilsonet.com>
- Initial build.
Index: .cvsignore
RCS file: /cvs/nonfree/rpms/wl-kmod/devel/.cvsignore,v
retrieving revision 1.1
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -r1.1 -r1.2
--- .cvsignore 7 Nov 2008 09:01:26 -0000 1.1
+++ .cvsignore 8 Nov 2008 11:49:32 -0000 1.2
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
Index: sources
RCS file: /cvs/nonfree/rpms/wl-kmod/devel/sources,v
retrieving revision 1.1
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -r1.1 -r1.2
--- sources 7 Nov 2008 09:01:26 -0000 1.1
+++ sources 8 Nov 2008 11:49:32 -0000 1.2
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+7f50d89179e637225bd97022b323c27e hybrid-portsrc-x86_32_5_10_27_6.tar.gz
+d61e5ad289fc5f0b62e0656f90b451a7 hybrid-portsrc-x86_64_5_10_27_6.tar.gz
16 years, 4 months
rpms/amule/F-9 amule.spec,1.3,1.4
by Aurélien Bompard
Author: abompard
Update of /cvs/free/rpms/amule/F-9
In directory se02.es.rpmfusion.net:/tmp/cvs-serv25732/F-9
Modified Files:
Log Message:
* Sat Nov 08 2008 Aurelien Bompard <abompard(a)fedoraproject.org> 2.2.2-1
- version 2.2.2
- patch 0 and 2 applied upstream
- drop patch1
- split off non-X-dependent tools
Index: amule.spec
RCS file: /cvs/free/rpms/amule/F-9/amule.spec,v
retrieving revision 1.3
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -u -r1.3 -r1.4
--- amule.spec 8 Nov 2008 09:14:43 -0000 1.3
+++ amule.spec 8 Nov 2008 09:15:37 -0000 1.4
@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@
-* Tue Aug 26 2008 Aurelien Bompard <abompard(a)fedoraproject.org> 2.2.2-1
+* Sat Nov 08 2008 Aurelien Bompard <abompard(a)fedoraproject.org> 2.2.2-1
- version 2.2.2
- patch 0 and 2 applied upstream
- drop patch1
16 years, 4 months
rpms/amule/devel amule.spec,1.4,1.5
by Aurélien Bompard
Author: abompard
Update of /cvs/free/rpms/amule/devel
In directory se02.es.rpmfusion.net:/tmp/cvs-serv25732/devel
Modified Files:
Log Message:
* Sat Nov 08 2008 Aurelien Bompard <abompard(a)fedoraproject.org> 2.2.2-1
- version 2.2.2
- patch 0 and 2 applied upstream
- drop patch1
- split off non-X-dependent tools
Index: amule.spec
RCS file: /cvs/free/rpms/amule/devel/amule.spec,v
retrieving revision 1.4
retrieving revision 1.5
diff -u -r1.4 -r1.5
--- amule.spec 8 Nov 2008 09:14:43 -0000 1.4
+++ amule.spec 8 Nov 2008 09:15:37 -0000 1.5
@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@
-* Tue Aug 26 2008 Aurelien Bompard <abompard(a)fedoraproject.org> 2.2.2-1
+* Sat Nov 08 2008 Aurelien Bompard <abompard(a)fedoraproject.org> 2.2.2-1
- version 2.2.2
- patch 0 and 2 applied upstream
- drop patch1
16 years, 4 months
rpms/amule/F-9 .cvsignore, 1.2, 1.3 amule.spec, 1.2, 1.3 sources, 1.2, 1.3
by Aurélien Bompard
Author: abompard
Update of /cvs/free/rpms/amule/F-9
In directory se02.es.rpmfusion.net:/tmp/cvs-serv25690/F-9
Modified Files:
.cvsignore amule.spec sources
Log Message:
* Tue Aug 26 2008 Aurelien Bompard <abompard(a)fedoraproject.org> 2.2.2-1
- version 2.2.2
- patch 0 and 2 applied upstream
- drop patch1
- split off non-X-dependent tools
Index: .cvsignore
RCS file: /cvs/free/rpms/amule/F-9/.cvsignore,v
retrieving revision 1.2
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -r1.2 -r1.3
--- .cvsignore 3 Aug 2008 17:27:48 -0000 1.2
+++ .cvsignore 8 Nov 2008 09:14:43 -0000 1.3
@@ -1 +1 @@
16 years, 4 months