Author: mtasaka
Update of /cvs/free/rpms/cairo-dock/F-13
In directory
Modified Files:
Added Files:
Log Message:
* Fri Jun 11 2010 Mamoru Tasaka <mtasaka(a)> -
- Fix for "GMenu does not handle desktop file exec strings properly"
(Lauchpad 526138, rpmfusion 1265)
applet-util.c | 132 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------
1 file changed, 118 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)
--- NEW FILE cairo-dock-plugins-c1524-gmenu-parse-desktop-with-quote.patch ---
revno: 1524
committer: fabounet <fabounet03(a)>
branch nick: cairo-dock-plug-ins
timestamp: Sat 2010-02-27 14:54:53 +0100
GMenu : applied the patch to take into account the parameters of the Exec command +
Animated-Icons : fixed a bug with the unfolding animation
=== modified file 'GMenu/src/applet-util.c'
--- GMenu/src/applet-util.c 2009-09-01 19:55:41 +0000
+++ GMenu/src/applet-util.c 2010-02-27 13:54:53 +0000
@@ -85,17 +85,114 @@
+#define CD_EXPAND_FIELD_CODES //comment this line to switch off the arguments parsing.
+static gchar * cd_expand_field_codes(const gchar* cCommand, GKeyFile* keyfile) // Thanks
to ... for this patch !
+ gchar* cCommandExpanded = NULL;
+ gchar* cField = strchr (cCommand, '%');
+ gchar* cFieldLast;
+ gchar* cFieldCodeToken = NULL;
+ GError* erreur;
+ // Break out immediately if there are no field codes
+ if( cField == NULL )
+ {
+ cCommandExpanded = g_strdup(cCommand);
+ return cCommandExpanded;
+ }
+ // parse all the %x tokens, replacing them with the value they represent.
+ GString *sExpandedcCommand = g_string_new ("");
+ g_string_append_len (sExpandedcCommand, cCommand, cField - cCommand); // take the
command until the first % (not included).
+ while ( cField != NULL )
+ {
+ cField ++; // jump to the code.
+ switch ( *cField ) // Make sure field code is valid
+ {
+ case 'f':
+ case 'F':
+ case 'u':
+ case 'U': //Is there any reason to expect these codes in a launcher for the
main menu?
+ cd_warning("Unexpected field code %%%c in exec string '%s' : cannot
handle file or url codes in the menu.", *cField, cCommand);
+ break;
+ case 'd':
+ case 'D':
+ case 'n':
+ case 'N':
+ case 'w':
+ case 'm': //Deprecated field codes ignored and stripped, per freedesktop
+ cd_warning("Deprecated field code %%%c ignored in exec string
'%s'.", *cField, cCommand);
+ break;
+ case 'c':
+ cFieldCodeToken = g_key_file_get_locale_string (keyfile, "Desktop Entry",
"Name", NULL, erreur);
+ if (erreur != NULL)
+ {
+ cd_warning ("Error while expanding %%%c in exec string '%s' : %s",
*cField, cCommand, erreur->message);
+ g_error_free (erreur);
+ erreur = NULL;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'i':
+ cFieldCodeToken = g_key_file_get_locale_string (keyfile, "Desktop Entry",
"Icon", NULL, NULL); // Icon key not required. If not found, no error message
+ if (cFieldCodeToken != NULL)
+ {
+ gchar *tmp = cFieldCodeToken;
+ cFieldCodeToken = g_strconcat("--icon ", cFieldCodeToken, NULL);
+ g_free (tmp);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'k':
+ cd_warning("Field code %%k not handled yet");
+ break;
+ case '%': // %% is a literal % sign.
+ cFieldCodeToken = g_strdup("%");
+ //cField ++; // to avoid capturing this %-sign as the beginning of the next field
+ break;
+ default:
+ cd_warning("Invalid field code %%%c in exec string '%s'", *cField,
+ break; // we'll try to launch it anyway.
+ }
+ if (cFieldCodeToken != NULL) // there is a token to add to the command.
+ {
+ g_string_append_printf (sExpandedcCommand, "%s ", cFieldCodeToken);
+ g_free (cFieldCodeToken);
+ cFieldCodeToken = NULL;
+ }
+ cFieldLast = cField;
+ cField = strchr(cField + 1, '%'); // next field.
+ // we append everything between the current filed and the next field.
+ if (cField != NULL)
+ g_string_append_len (sExpandedcCommand, cFieldLast+1, cField - cFieldLast - 1);
+ else
+ g_string_append (sExpandedcCommand, cFieldLast+1);
+ }
+ cCommandExpanded = sExpandedcCommand->str;
+ g_string_free (sExpandedcCommand, FALSE);
+ gchar *str = strchr (cCommand, '%');
+ if (str != NULL)
+ cCommandExpanded = g_strndup (cCommand, str - cCommand);
+ else
+ cCommandExpanded = g_strdup (cCommand,);
+ return cCommandExpanded;
static void _launch_from_file (const gchar *cDesktopFilePath)
+ //\____________ On ouvre le .desktop
GError *erreur = NULL;
GKeyFile* keyfile = g_key_file_new();
- g_key_file_load_from_file (keyfile, cDesktopFilePath, G_KEY_FILE_KEEP_COMMENTS |
+ g_key_file_load_from_file (keyfile, cDesktopFilePath, 0, &erreur); //skip comments
and translations.
if (erreur != NULL)
cd_warning ("while trying to read %s : %s", cDesktopFilePath,
g_error_free (erreur);
return ;
+ //\____________ On recupere la commande.
gchar *cCommand = g_key_file_get_string (keyfile, "Desktop Entry",
"Exec", &erreur);
if (erreur != NULL)
@@ -103,22 +200,29 @@
g_error_free (erreur);
erreur = NULL;
- gchar *cWorkingDirectory = NULL;
- if (cCommand != NULL)
+ g_return_if_fail (cCommand != NULL);
+ //\____________ On gere les arguments de la forme %x.
+ gchar *cCommandExpanded = NULL;
+ cCommandExpanded = cd_expand_field_codes(cCommand, keyfile);
+ gchar *str = strchr (cCommand, '%');
+ if (str != NULL)
+ *str = '\0';
+ //\____________ On recupere le repertoire d'execution.
+ gchar *cWorkingDirectory = g_key_file_get_string (keyfile, "Desktop Entry",
"Path", NULL);
+ if (cWorkingDirectory != NULL && *cWorkingDirectory == '\0')
- gchar *str = strchr (cCommand, '%');
- if (str != NULL)
- *str = '\0';
g_free (cWorkingDirectory);
- cWorkingDirectory = g_key_file_get_string (keyfile, "Desktop Entry",
"Path", NULL);
- if (cWorkingDirectory != NULL && *cWorkingDirectory == '\0')
- {
- g_free (cWorkingDirectory);
- cWorkingDirectory = NULL;
- }
- }
- cairo_dock_launch_command_full (cCommand, cWorkingDirectory);
+ cWorkingDirectory = NULL;
+ }
+ //\____________ On lance le tout.
+ cairo_dock_launch_command_full (cCommandExpanded, cWorkingDirectory);
g_free (cCommand);
+ g_free (cCommandExpanded);
g_free (cWorkingDirectory);
static void _launch_from_basename (const gchar *cDesktopFileName)
Index: cairo-dock.spec
RCS file: /cvs/free/rpms/cairo-dock/F-13/cairo-dock.spec,v
retrieving revision 1.52
retrieving revision 1.53
diff -u -r1.52 -r1.53
--- cairo-dock.spec 28 May 2010 18:11:41 -0000 1.52
+++ cairo-dock.spec 10 Jun 2010 17:10:35 -0000 1.53
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
%global build_webkit 1
%global build_xfce 1
-%global fedora_main_rel 2
+%global fedora_main_rel 3
%global fedora_rel %{?pre_release:0.}%{fedora_main_rel}%{?betaver:.%betaver}
@@ -55,6 +55,11 @@
# plug-ins specific patches
Patch100: cairo-dock-rev1677-stacks.patch
+# Patch from upstream
+# Lauchpad 526138, rpmfusion 1265
+# GMenu does not handle desktop file exec strings properly
+Patch200: cairo-dock-plugins-c1524-gmenu-parse-desktop-with-quote.patch
%if ! %{released}
BuildRequires: automake
@@ -246,6 +251,9 @@
find . -name \*.h -or -name \*.c | xargs %{__chmod} 0644
# source code fix
+# Gmenu
+# Upstream patch
+%patch200 -p0 -b .quote
# Scooby-do & Network-Monitor
# try to enable these modules (where the original code says
@@ -623,6 +631,10 @@
+* Fri Jun 11 2010 Mamoru Tasaka <mtasaka(a)> -
+- Fix for "GMenu does not handle desktop file exec strings properly"
+ (Lauchpad 526138, rpmfusion 1265)
* Wed May 12 2010 Mamoru Tasaka <mtasaka(a)>
- rebuild against new libetpan