commit 52dca55b5941699bad1818a818258759e7f3d001
Author: Antonio Trande <sagitter(a)>
Date: Tue Jan 3 16:26:54 2023 +0100
Release 4.4.3| Reverse patch for bug #3693
xpra-bug3693.patch | 272 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
xpra-codecs-freeworld.spec | 5 +
2 files changed, 277 insertions(+)
diff --git a/xpra-bug3693.patch b/xpra-bug3693.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc2a0e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xpra-bug3693.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
+From 23b2c55737ca8b368197f01cc547d5439c84b862 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: totaam <antoine(a)>
+Date: Sun, 27 Nov 2022 21:19:47 +0700
+Subject: [PATCH] make sure to include cuda libs when needed
+(on MS Windows)
+ | 187 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------
+ 1 file changed, 106 insertions(+), 81 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/ b/
+index fc5831cdc..22a2256b8 100755
+--- a/
++++ b/
+@@ -1503,7 +1503,7 @@ def add_service_exe(script, icon, base_name):
+ add_console_exe("xpra/codecs/",
"nvidia.ico", "NVidia_info")
+ if nvfbc_ENABLED:
+ add_console_exe("xpra/codecs/nvfbc/",
"nvidia.ico", "NvFBC_capture")
+- if nvfbc_ENABLED or nvenc_ENABLED:
++ if nvfbc_ENABLED or nvenc_ENABLED or nvjpeg_encoder_ENABLED or
+ add_console_exe("xpra/codecs/cuda_common/",
"cuda.ico", "CUDA_info")
+ if ("install_exe" in sys.argv) or ("install" in sys.argv):
+@@ -2043,22 +2043,18 @@ def add_cython_ext(*_args, **_kwargs):
+ toggle_packages(nvenc_ENABLED or nvfbc_ENABLED, "xpra.codecs.cuda_common")
+ toggle_packages(nvenc_ENABLED or nvfbc_ENABLED, "xpra.codecs.nv_util")
+-CUDA_BIN = "%s/cuda" % share_xpra
+-if (nvenc_ENABLED and cuda_kernels_ENABLED) or nvjpeg_encoder_ENABLED:
++nvidia_ENABLED = nvenc_ENABLED or nvfbc_ENABLED or nvjpeg_encoder_ENABLED or
++toggle_packages(nvidia_ENABLED, "xpra.codecs.nvidia")
++if nvidia_ENABLED:
++ CUDA_BIN = f"{share_xpra}/cuda"
+ #find nvcc:
+- from xpra.util import sorted_nicely
++ from xpra.util import sorted_nicely # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
+ path_options = os.environ.get("PATH",
+ if WIN32:
+- external_includes += ["pycuda"]
++ external_includes.append("pycuda")
+ nvcc_exe = "nvcc.exe"
+ CUDA_DIR = os.environ.get("CUDA_DIR", "C:\\Program Files\\NVIDIA
GPU Computing Toolkit\\CUDA")
+- path_options +=
["./cuda/bin/"]+list(reversed(sorted_nicely(glob.glob("%s\\*\\bin" %
+- #pycuda may link against curand, find it and ship it:
+- for p in path_options:
+- if os.path.exists(p):
+- add_data_files("", glob.glob("%s\\curand64*.dll" %
+- add_data_files("", glob.glob("%s\\cudart64*.dll" %
+- break
++ path_options +=
+ else:
+ nvcc_exe = "nvcc"
+ path_options += ["/usr/local/cuda/bin", "/opt/cuda/bin"]
+@@ -2066,12 +2062,9 @@ def add_cython_ext(*_args, **_kwargs):
+ path_options +=
+ options = [os.path.join(x, nvcc_exe) for x in path_options]
+ #prefer the one we find on the $PATH, if any:
+- try:
+- v = shutil.which(nvcc_exe)
+- if v and (v not in options):
+- options.insert(0, v)
+- except:
+- pass
++ v = shutil.which(nvcc_exe)
++ if v and (v not in options):
++ options.insert(0, v)
+ nvcc_versions = {}
+ def get_nvcc_version(command):
+ if not os.path.exists(command):
+@@ -2082,30 +2075,94 @@ def get_nvcc_version(command):
+ vpos = out.rfind(", V")
+ if vpos>0:
+ version = out[vpos+3:].split("\n")[0]
+- version_str = " version %s" % version
++ version_str = f" version {version}"
+ else:
+ version = "0"
+ version_str = " unknown version!"
+- print("found CUDA compiler: %s%s" % (filename, version_str))
++ print(f"found CUDA compiler: {filename}{version_str}")
+ return tuple(int(x) for x in version.split("."))
+ for filename in options:
+ vnum = get_nvcc_version(filename)
+ if vnum:
+ nvcc_versions[vnum] = filename
++ nvcc_version = nvcc = None
+ if nvcc_versions:
+ #choose the most recent one:
+ nvcc_version, nvcc = list(reversed(sorted(nvcc_versions.items())))[0]
+ if len(nvcc_versions)>1:
+- print(" using version %s from %s" % (nvcc_version, nvcc))
+- else:
+- nvcc_version = nvcc = None
+- if ((nvenc_ENABLED or nvjpeg_encoder_ENABLED) and cuda_kernels_ENABLED):
+- assert nvcc_versions, "cannot find nvcc compiler!"
++ print(f" using version {nvcc_version} from {nvcc}")
++ if cuda_kernels_ENABLED and (nvenc_ENABLED or nvjpeg_encoder_ENABLED):
++ def get_gcc_version():
++ if CC_is_clang():
++ return (0, )
++ cc = os.environ.get("CC", "gcc")
++ r, _, err = get_status_output([cc, "-v"])
++ if r==0:
++ V_LINE = "gcc version "
++ tmp_version = []
++ for line in err.splitlines():
++ if not line.startswith(V_LINE):
++ continue
++ v_str = line[len(V_LINE):].strip().split(" ")[0]
++ for p in v_str.split("."):
++ try:
++ tmp_version.append(int(p))
++ except ValueError:
++ break
++ print("found gcc version: %s" % ".".join(str(x)
for x in tmp_version))
++ break
++ return tuple(tmp_version)
++ return (0, )
++ assert nvcc, "cannot find nvcc compiler!"
++ def get_nvcc_args():
++ nvcc_cmd = [nvcc, "-fatbin"]
++ gcc_version = get_gcc_version()
++ if gcc_version<(7, 5):
++ print("gcc versions older than 7.5 are not supported!")
++ for _ in range(5):
++ sleep(1)
++ print(".")
++ if (8,1)<=gcc_version<(9, ):
++ #GCC 8.1 has compatibility issues with CUDA 9.2,
++ #so revert to C++03:
++ nvcc_cmd.append("-std=c++03")
++ #GCC 6 uses C++11 by default:
++ else:
++ nvcc_cmd.append("-std=c++11")
++ if gcc_version>=(12, 0) or CC_is_clang():
++ nvcc_cmd.append("--allow-unsupported-compiler")
++ if nvcc_version>=(11, 5):
++ nvcc_cmd += ["-arch=all",
++ "-Wno-deprecated-gpu-targets",
++ ]
++ if nvcc_version>=(11, 6):
++ nvcc_cmd += ["-Xnvlink", "-ignore-host-info"]
++ return nvcc_cmd
++ #older versions, add every arch we know about:
++ comp_code_options = []
++ if nvcc_version>=(7, 5):
++ comp_code_options.append((52, 52))
++ comp_code_options.append((53, 53))
++ if nvcc_version>=(8, 0):
++ comp_code_options.append((60, 60))
++ comp_code_options.append((61, 61))
++ comp_code_options.append((62, 62))
++ if nvcc_version>=(9, 0):
++ comp_code_options.append((70, 70))
++ if nvcc_version>=(10, 0):
++ comp_code_options.append((75, 75))
++ if nvcc_version>=(11, 0):
++ comp_code_options.append((80, 80))
++ if nvcc_version>=(11, 1):
++ comp_code_options.append((86, 86))
++ #if nvcc_version>=(11, 6):
++ # comp_code_options.append((87, 87))
++ for arch, code in comp_code_options:
++ return nvcc_cmd
++ nvcc_args = get_nvcc_args()
+ #first compile the cuda kernels
+ #(using the same cuda SDK for both nvenc modules for now..)
+- #TODO:
+- # * compile directly to output directory instead of using data files?
+- # * detect which arches we want to build for? (does it really matter much?)
+ kernels = []
+ if nvenc_ENABLED:
+ kernels += ["XRGB_to_NV12", "XRGB_to_YUV444",
"BGRX_to_NV12", "BGRX_to_YUV444"]
+@@ -2113,67 +2170,26 @@ def get_nvcc_version(command):
+ kernels += ["BGRX_to_RGB", "RGBX_to_RGB",
+ nvcc_commands = []
+ for kernel in kernels:
+- cuda_src = "fs/share/xpra/cuda/" % kernel
+- cuda_bin = "fs/share/xpra/cuda/%s.fatbin" % kernel
++ cuda_src = f"fs/share/xpra/cuda/{kernel}.cu"
++ cuda_bin = f"fs/share/xpra/cuda/{kernel}.fatbin"
+ if os.path.exists(cuda_bin) and (cuda_rebuild_ENABLED is False):
+ continue
+ reason = should_rebuild(cuda_src, cuda_bin)
+ if not reason:
+ continue
+- print("rebuilding %s: %s" % (kernel, reason))
+- cmd = [nvcc,
+- '-fatbin',
+- "-c", cuda_src,
+- "-o", cuda_bin]
+- gcc_version = get_gcc_version()
+- if (8,1)<=gcc_version<(9, ):
+- #GCC 8.1 has compatibility issues with CUDA 9.2,
+- #so revert to C++03:
+- cmd.append("-std=c++03")
+- #GCC 6 uses C++11 by default:
+- else:
+- cmd.append("-std=c++11")
+- if gcc_version>=(12, 0) or CC_is_clang():
+- cmd.append("--allow-unsupported-compiler")
+- if nvcc_version>=(11, 5):
+- cmd += ["-arch=all",
+- "-Wno-deprecated-gpu-targets",
+- ]
+- if nvcc_version>=(11, 6):
+- cmd += ["-Xnvlink", "-ignore-host-info"]
+- else:
+- comp_code_options = []
+- if nvcc_version>=(7, 5):
+- comp_code_options.append((52, 52))
+- comp_code_options.append((53, 53))
+- if nvcc_version>=(8, 0):
+- comp_code_options.append((60, 60))
+- comp_code_options.append((61, 61))
+- comp_code_options.append((62, 62))
+- if nvcc_version>=(9, 0):
+- comp_code_options.append((70, 70))
+- if nvcc_version>=(10, 0):
+- comp_code_options.append((75, 75))
+- if nvcc_version>=(11, 0):
+- comp_code_options.append((80, 80))
+- if nvcc_version>=(11, 1):
+- comp_code_options.append((86, 86))
+- #if nvcc_version>=(11, 6):
+- # comp_code_options.append((87, 87))
+- for arch, code in comp_code_options:
+- cmd.append("-gencode=arch=compute_%s,code=sm_%s" % (arch,
+- print("CUDA compiling %s (%s)" % (kernel.ljust(16), reason))
+- print(" %s" % " ".join("'%s'" % x for
x in cmd))
+- nvcc_commands.append(cmd)
++ print(f"rebuilding {kernel}: {reason}")
++ kbuild_cmd = nvcc_args + ["-c", cuda_src, "-o",
++ print(f"CUDA compiling %s ({reason})" % kernel.ljust(16))
++ print(" "+" ".join(f"{x!r}" for x in
++ nvcc_commands.append(kbuild_cmd)
+ #parallel build:
+ nvcc_errors = []
+- def nvcc_compile(cmd):
+- c, stdout, stderr = get_status_output(cmd)
++ def nvcc_compile(nvcc_cmd):
++ c, stdout, stderr = get_status_output(nvcc_cmd)
+ if c!=0:
+ nvcc_errors.append(c)
+- print("Error: failed to compile CUDA kernel %s" % kernel)
+- print(" using command: %s" % (cmd,))
++ print(f"Error: failed to compile CUDA kernel {kernel}")
++ print(f" using command: {nvcc_cmd}")
+ print(stdout or "")
+ print(stderr or "")
+ nvcc_threads = []
+@@ -2186,8 +2202,17 @@ def nvcc_compile(cmd):
+ if nvcc_errors:
+ sys.exit(1)
+ t.join()
++ add_data_files(CUDA_BIN, [f"fs/share/xpra/cuda/{x}.fatbin" for x in
++ add_data_files(CUDA_BIN, ["fs/share/xpra/cuda/"])
++ if WIN32 and (nvjpeg_encoder_ENABLED or nvjpeg_decoder_ENABLED or nvenc_ENABLED):
++ assert nvcc_versions
++ CUDA_BIN_DIR = os.path.dirname(nvcc)
++ add_data_files("",
++ #if pycuda is built with curand, add this:
++ #add_data_files("",
++ if nvjpeg_encoder_ENABLED or nvjpeg_decoder_ENABLED:
++ add_data_files("",
+- add_data_files(CUDA_BIN, ["fs/share/xpra/cuda/%s.fatbin" % x for x in
+ add_data_files(CUDA_BIN, ["fs/share/xpra/cuda/"])
+ tace(nvenc_ENABLED, "xpra.codecs.nvenc.encoder", "nvenc")
diff --git a/xpra-codecs-freeworld.spec b/xpra-codecs-freeworld.spec
index 84b367e..414fc65 100644
--- a/xpra-codecs-freeworld.spec
+++ b/xpra-codecs-freeworld.spec
@@ -49,6 +49,8 @@ Patch0: xpra-find_py3cairo.patch
# Install into /usr/libexec always
Patch1: xpra-force_always_libexec.patch
+Patch2: xpra-bug3693.patch
BuildRequires: python3-devel
BuildRequires: gtk3-devel
BuildRequires: libXtst-devel
@@ -114,6 +116,8 @@ x264 and ffmpeg.
sed -i 's|@@python3_sitearch@@|%{python3_sitearch}|'
+%patch2 -p1 -R -b .backup
# cc1: error: unrecognized compiler option ‘-mfpmath=387’
%ifarch %{arm}
sed -i 's|-mfpmath=387|-mfloat-abi=hard|'
@@ -182,6 +186,7 @@ find %{buildroot}%{python3_sitearch}/xpra -name '*.so' \
* Tue Jan 03 2023 Antonio Trande <sagitter(a)> - 4.4.3-1
- Release 4.4.3
+- Reverse patch for bug #3693
* Sun Nov 13 2022 Antonio Trande <sagitter(a)> - 4.4.2-1
- Release 4.4.2