Summary of changes:
bfd2a4a... Rebuild (*)
ef6017d... Rebuild (*)
e8af493... bootstrap build (*)
fbd6bc2... Rebuild (*)
5586773... Rebuild (*)
f7dece4... rebuild (*)
9f28c85... rebuilt (*)
0fb1dda... Drop placebo support for now (*)
0a5c600... Simplify last commit (*)
404e77c... Backport as in fedora (*)
a42dce0... Apply fedora patch (*)
3da7d6a... Update changelog (*)
82dc377... Backport upstream patch to fix segfault when passing non-ex (*)
635db18... Update to 6.0.1 release (*)
(*) This commit already existed in another branch; no separate mail sent
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