Bug #: 2219
Summary: Review request: orthorobot - A perspective based
puzzle game made using LOVE
Classification: Unclassified
Product: Package Reviews
Version: Current
Platform: All
OS/Version: GNU/Linux
Status: NEW
Severity: normal
Priority: P5
Component: Review Request
AssignedTo: rpmfusion-package-review(a)
ReportedBy: alexjnewt(a)
CC: rpmfusion-package-review(a)
Literally bridging the gap between 2D and 3D games, Ortho Robot is a
perspective based puzzle game, where you flatten the view to move
across gaps. Your objective is to reach the ending green block
(either by standing directly on it or standing on it in relative
space). For some extra challenge, try to collect all coins and
perfect your time, steps and number of warps.
Why not in Fedora: The license is non-free cannot be included in Fedora
Note this is blocked by this Fedora bug:
orthorobot.noarch: W: invalid-license CC-BY-NC-SA
orthorobot.src: W: invalid-license CC-BY-NC-SA
This can be ignored, as RPMLint doesn't recognize this specific License
orthorobot.noarch: W: no-manual-page-for-binary orthorobot
Not vital and can be fixed later.
orthorobot.src: W: invalid-url Source0: orthorobot-extra.tar.xz
Source0 files are custom made, the icons was created from this:
***This notice is in the spec***
2 packages and 0 specfiles checked; 0 errors, 4 warnings.
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Bug #: 3770
Summary: Review request: soletta - A framework for making IoT
Classification: Unclassified
Product: Package Reviews
Version: Current
Platform: All
OS/Version: GNU/Linux
Status: NEW
Severity: normal
Priority: P5
Component: Review Request
AssignedTo: rpmfusion-package-review(a)
ReportedBy: gustavo.lima.chaves(a)
CC: rpmfusion-package-review(a)
Created attachment 1483
rpmlint output for all packages
spec file:
Description: Soletta project is a framework for making IoT devices. With
library developers can easily write software for devices that control
actuators/sensors and communicate using standard technologies. It
enables adding smartness even on the smallest edge devices.
This is a pre-release package of a new IoT framework, thus not eligible for
Fedora inclusion yet.
Attached comes the rpmlint output for all packages, that are:
- the base lib
- the devel package
- a bunch of modules
- debug package
rpmlint mainly warns about no docs -- we haven't have time to let our man page
formatted docs good to go yet, so we're not bothering to generate doc packages
yet (they should come soon). The rest are (false positive) misspelling errors.
This is my 1st rpmfusion package.
I am seeking a sponsor (Fabiano Fidêncio, are you there? :))
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Bug #: 3400
Summary: Review request: kvasd - Soft-decision Reed Solomon
Classification: Unclassified
Product: Package Reviews
Version: Current
Platform: All
OS/Version: GNU/Linux
Status: NEW
Severity: normal
Priority: P5
Component: Review Request
AssignedTo: rpmfusion-package-review(a)
ReportedBy: hobbes1069(a)
CC: rpmfusion-package-review(a)
KVASD is s soft-decision decoder for the Reed Solomon code RS(63,12) over
GF(64). The driver is Copyright(C) 2005-2012 by Joseph H Taylor, Jr, K1JT.
The decoding algorithm is used under licence from CodeVector Technologies, LLC,
and is protected under US patent 6,634,007.
KVASD may be used freely by anyone for the purpose of facilitating
communication by Amateur Radio. Any other use is strictly prohibited.
Must go into RPM Fusion non-free repository as it is a prebuilt binary with a
non-FOSS license.
$ rpmlint ./kvasd-1.11-1.fc20.src.rpm
kvasd.src: W: spelling-error %description -l en_US licence -> license,
lenience, lice
- Direct copy from upstream
kvasd.src: W: invalid-license REDISTRIBUTABLE
- Open to suggestion here...
kvasd.src: W: strange-permission kvasd 0755L
- Prebuilt binary, nothing strange other than rpmlint doesn't like it
$ rpmlint ./kvasd-1.11-1.fc20.i686.rpm
kvasd.i686: W: spelling-error %description -l en_US licence -> license,
lenience, lice
- Same as above
kvasd.i686: W: invalid-license REDISTRIBUTABLE
- Same as above
kvasd.i686: W: no-manual-page-for-binary kvasd
- Binary is not designed for end user use, it is used directly by other
programs that I will submit in Fedora.
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