Ok, that's fair, rules of the game are clear to me.  I just like so much of this acer modified fedora ( it's really fast, lightweight and simple userinterface), very suitable for a netbook.  I woudn't use that on a normal computer though. I'll probably continue to use it as long as it's compatible with fedora community goodies and don't cause much trouble.  After that it's time to change.

Let's close this.  Thanks for all.
Regs Tarmo

2008/11/5 Dominik 'Rathann' Mierzejewski <dominik@greysector.net>
On Wednesday, 05 November 2008 at 17:20, rontti wrote:
> I've been long time fedora user (five years) and was a bit proud of fedora
> beeing on the cutting edge netbook market (one reason for me to buy acer)
> and saw this as a opportunity for fedora to increase it's market share.  As
> a summary I hope acer users are not ruled out of rpmfusion users, as one
> could imagine from the earlier statements.

No, Acer users aren't "ruled out", as long as they're using Fedora.

I can't and I don't support Linpus nor Acer's modified Linpus. If it works
for you, great. If it doesn't, you're on your own.

If you want to use RPMFusion so badly, why don't you simply install Fedora
on your AA1? That's what I did with my Asus Eee PC 901.


Fedora http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Rathann
RPMFusion http://rpmfusion.org | MPlayer http://mplayerhq.hu
"Faith manages."
       -- Delenn to Lennier in Babylon 5:"Confessions and Lamentations"