2015-08-17 12:56 GMT+02:00 Karel Volný <kvolny@redhat.com>:


I've just updated qmmp and qmmp-plugin-pack in Rawhide.

When trying to update their counterparts in RPMFusion, I've ended up with qmmp-plugins-freeworld-0.8.5-1.fc21[1] instead of ...fc23

and the problem bites again :-(


is there anything else I could do, or is it completely upon Kwizart ... err, infrastructure team?
This is really unclear what you requires from the "infrastructure team".
If it's just a matter to clear the package that was updated in F-21 whereas it shouldn't, I've removed it.

But please don't assume me to be abble to read the whole thread and understand what you want me to do, unless it starts with a two liner: "@kwizart, please do ..."

Also, if your -freeworld package doesn't have a way to conflicts with the fedora counterpart if the version mismatch, then it's probably installed on the end-user system. In which case, you will probably need to bump the epoch to have this issue fixed.

Nicolas (kwizart)