2015-05-16 15:11 GMT+02:00 Sérgio Basto <sergio@serjux.com>:
On Sáb, 2015-05-16 at 14:12 +0200, Hans de Goede wrote:
> Hi All,
> While updating my system to the new F-22 rpmfusion repos (good job kwizart!),
> I had some problems because at one time my system picked up x266-libs-1.6 from
> one of the rpmfusion branches I had my .repo files pointing at.
> Where as the current F-22 repo (and koji) has 1.2 . 1.2 works fine, but it
> seems to me that we should update to 1.6 at some time.

I would like soname bump for x264 on F-22 , but as we have
infrastructure , we will also bump on F-21, so I don't know the
solution .
Somehow, x265 1.6 from f21  was missed from the f22 (manual) rebuilt. arm-f21 and arm-f20 are automatically done, but I would need to recreate the src.rpm with a .fc22 for Koji not to complain on the wrong dist tag.That's why it remains a manual task for now.
So far, only ffmpeg and mplayer have been updated specifically for the f22 branch (despite there is no SONAME bump), And I would like to keep that list short until the whole git repository is published.

For x265, I'm fixing theses. I will publish the fixed repository in a few hours.

As also liked try build VirtualBox 5 Beta on devel repos ... etc.
This is not a high priority, you can still create a personal repository with theses packages published at least until the f21 virtualbox src.rpm doesn't diverge for f22.
Thx for you work on this.


Nicolas (kwizart)