Jonathan Dieter wrote:
I've noticed a number of games whose content is distributable as
long as
it's distributed for free. A few of those games have ended up in Fedora
but use autodownloader to download the game data.
I really don't like this method because, at least as I understand it,
the game data ends up in the user's home directory. If another user
wants to play the game, they have to redownload the data.
What is the feasibility of providing -data packages in rpmfusion-nonfree
that would provide the data for said games, so the data could be
installed system-wide? Can autodownloader (cc'ing autodownloader
maintainer) check for game data availability before downloading the data
off the internet?
IMHO the whole affected games should move to RPM Fusion Nonfree and
autodownloader should be removed from Fedora.
I really don't see why we're bypassing Fedora's licensing policies in this
broken way when we could just offer a package that works out of the box in
RPM Fusion Nonfree where it belongs.
Kevin Kofler