On 18.11.2008 15:43, Karel Volný wrote:
>>> To the people who are responsible for RPMfusion: Please
>>> make up your mind, and then make an official and
>>> irrevocable (!) commitment pro or contra libdvdcss.
>> I second that ... but ... who is that?
http://rpmfusion.org/ -> SteeringCommittee
well, I got that page wrong
"I would like to suggest the following representatives" does not
sound so definitive
Yeah, that page (and several others) likely need some love (and several
things are no properly documented yet). And maybe we should extend the
steering committee to 5 people or something.
> But whatever. Quoting from above page.
>> [...] Therefore libdvdcss is being dropped. [...]
> That is on that page for over a year now.
I did not notice, sorry, my bad
Np. And just a note: my mail wasn't meant as a "shut up, it's written
there". I hope it didn't came over as such.
I must be sleeping or what ... the second thing is that I got
the "irrevocable" wrong; what I meant when I said I second that
is that no single person can deny it, but looking into
dictionary - no, I do not think that we need any unchangeable
Yeah, you might have a point.