Hello, all.

Suddenly I found the main repository download1.rpmfusion.org does not work. I just run yum update then it appears PYCURL ERROR. Yum can not connect to rpmfusion repository. I try to browse the repo. Firefox shows "connection time out". I use proxy and try it again. It is the same. I think the main repository breaks down. 

download1.rpmfusion.org is an main server. All new packages will be released here. Then packages are synced from download1.rpmfusion.org to the other mirrors. So if this server breaks down and there is no any backup server, RPMFusion will be over. 

Liang Suilong

Fedora && Debian User, former Ubuntu User
My Page: http://www.liangsuilong.info
Fedora Project Contributor -- Packager && Ambassador