After importing the SRPM package of "gnome-shell-extension-weather" into the F-18 branch and doing a checkout, I tried to request a build to Plague through "make build", but this was the result:

$ make build
Enter passphrase for key '/home/rpmmaker/.ssh/id_rsa': 
PLAGUE_CLIENT_CONFIG=/home/rpmmaker/.plague-client-rpmfusion.cfg /usr/bin/plague-client build gnome-shell-extension-weather gnome-shell-extension-weather-0-0_6_git5be82f2_fc18 f18-free
Error: an error ocurred communicating with the server. '<Fault 1: 'Config.InvalidTargetException:Invalid target string.'>'
make: *** [plague] Errore 1

Are there any temporary issues with the F-18 branch still?
Thank you.