The reasoning is VideoLAN is a French organization and libdvdcss is
legal in France.
Starting from that point, the first question to answer to be able to
distribute libdvdcss in RPM Fusion is which laws do apply to RPM Fusion.
As all (?) of the servers are hosted in France, I believe the French law
applies and thus it should be safe. But indeed, that is just what I
understand from RPM Fusion infrastructure and I might be wrong.
Second question is, do the people that run the RPM Fusion infra and thus
might be considered liable for the distributed content accept the
potential legal risk, which is pretty low if French laws apply, but is
still non-null. Also, just like I'm unsure where the servers are
located, I'm unsure of the Infra head count and names.
I'll reach out to VideoLAN as soon as we have answers to the above
Also, once the above are answered, we can then talk about how the RPM
Fusion contributors feel about libdvdcss, but my (biased) feeling is
most of current contributors are ok . However, there have been some
people that were advert to having libdvdcss in RPM Fusion in the past. I
don't know who they are, what were their exact reasoning, if they are
still active or not and if they've changed their mind. That's why I was
calling especially for opinions against distributing libdvdcss.