2008/3/11, Stewart Adam <maillist@diffingo.com>:
Worked for me, but I was stupid and entered my real name wrong - I typed
Stweart Adam instead of Stewart Adam... Can we change that easily?

I'll correct this through db

I already corrected my real name in the CLA I sent.

Oh, one thing went wrong logging in after my account had been created
though: At the end of the page by the Groups section this was printed:
(if you'd like the HTML version or a screenshot, let me know)

yep, this error is normal for now. It's about groups state issue.


A problem occurred in a Python script. Here is the sequence of function
calls leading up to the error, in the order they occurred.

  305     if username and action=='edit':

  306         website.handle_group_mods(dbh, form, 'userbox.cgi',

  307                                   None, fixed_item='username',


  309 website.print_footer("RPM Fusion User")

builtin None = None, fixed_item undefined, auth_username = 'firewing'

/srv/web/accounts/website.py in
handle_group_mods(dbh=<website.PostgresDBConnection instance>,

form=FieldStorage(None, None, [MiniFieldStorage('auth..., '45c22FF083'),

MiniFieldStorage('_edit', '1')]), url='userbox.cgi',

username='firewing', groupname=None, fixed_item='username',

  882             allowed_actions = get_allowed_group_actions(dbh,
auth_username, groupname)

  883         else:

  884             allowed_actions = get_allowed_group_actions(dbh,
auth_username, 'accounts') # XXX fixme badhack yuk

  885         got_needs_sponsor = 0

  886         got_needs_review = 0

allowed_actions undefined, global get_allowed_group_actions = <function
get_allowed_group_actions>, dbh = <website.PostgresDBConnection

instance>, auth_username = 'firewing'

/srv/web/accounts/website.py in
get_allowed_group_actions(dbh=<website.PostgresDBConnection instance>,

auth_username='firewing', groupname='accounts', group_info=None,

  442         my_group_info = group_info

  443     ginfo = get_group_info(dbh, groupname)

  444     my_group_info.update(ginfo)

  445     if my_group_info['name'] == 'cla_done':

  446         return []

my_group_info = {}, my_group_info.update = <built-in method update of
dict object>, ginfo = None

TypeError: iteration over non-sequence
      args = ('iteration over non-sequence',)




On Mon, 2008-03-10 at 11:22 +0100, Xavier Lamien wrote:

> Hello,
> I need some outside feedbacks on FAS registrations.
> Here are some steps to reproduce
> 1. Create an account here :
> http://fas.rpmfusion.org/accounts/userbox.cgi
>        - note that, you don't need to re-generate an gpg key, just add
> the one you use for Fedoraproject.
> 2. Generate your Certification here :
> http://fas.rpmfusion.org/accounts/gen-cert.cgi
> 3. Ask to sign your CLA here :
> http://fas.rpmfusion.org/accounts/send-cla.cgi
> 4. Follow the instructions that you will receive by mail
> 5. Send your signed CLA, then wait until receive the confirmation.
>        - just post if no mail is sent to you.
> 6. Ask for your membership on cla_done group.
> I'll check all other stuff about the account creation which should
> match with CVS and then mail you to make some test on.
> Regards,
> --
> Xavier.t Lamien
> --
> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/XavierLamien
> GPG-Key ID: F3903DEB
> Fingerprint: 0F2A 7A17 0F1B 82EE FCBF 1F51 76B7 A28D F390 3DEB

Xavier.t Lamien
GPG-Key ID: F3903DEB
Fingerprint: 0F2A 7A17 0F1B 82EE FCBF 1F51 76B7 A28D F390 3DEB