2012/11/21 Orion Poplawski <orion@cora.nwra.com>:
> I've been happily using kmod-nvidia from elrepo for EL for a while now.
> However, to deal with some issues in the current EL6 kernels I've been using
> the kernel-lt kernel from elrepo, which is not compatible with the elrepo
> kmod-nvidia. For those situations it would be nice to have akmods
> available. Does this seem like a reasonable thing for rpmfusion to provide?
Hi Orion,
Yes it's perfectly reasonable to have akmod and even pre-built kmod-foo for EL.
The problem is that currently we do not implement kABI so we need to rebuild the kernel for each new kernel. (which kABI would essentially avoid).
I don't have time to lead the work, but we need to rebase the tools (akmod/kmodtool) into devel in order to get ready for later release (EL-7 eventually).
Nicolas (kwizart)