Le 22 sept. 2011 16:04, "Richard Shaw" <hobbes1069@gmail.com> a écrit :
> Ok, not looking before I lept I'm in deep again now having all the
> open akmods bugs assigned to me! :)
> I'll start reviewing them as I have time. Does anyone have suggestions
> on which are the most serious? I'm thinking I should deal with the one
> that causes systemctl to think akmods has failed (1813) first.
> I'm sure I will run into issues I do not have enough experience to
> solve on my own so I hope the usual people on this list will lend a
> hand or advice.

Thank you Richard to be volunteer to maintain akmods. I will try to provide some lights as I've tought about some cases. But I've missed with implementing the actual chznge as Im not a akmods users that much.

I know nucleo already suggested a unit systemd change. He might have prepared something...

Nicolas (kwizart)