
As this is requested several time already here is a status for epel7 and f21

The main step is to have the branching done for theses target. As some of you have experienced last time branching was painful wrt to keeping ACL, I don't want to reproduce the same effect.

So, I don't expect the branching to be made in current scm, as a consequence I don't plan to start that task before the migration to Koji is made.
And we are still at an unknown status for this...But working on this should be the priority. (along with securing the wiki).

At least for epel7, I can probably build rpmfusion-{non,}free-release for epel7, create an empty layout for the repository and have mirrormanager in place. That can be a first step.
The others task is to verify that all dependencies are available in EPEL for epel7 (thx Bob about reporting bugs and tracking dependencies that's very valuable).


Nicolas (kwizart)