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CC | dominik@greysector.net |
Sorry to cut your efforts short, but Google does not permit redistribution: https://www.google.pl/intl/en/chrome/browser/privacy/eula_text.html [...] 7.2 You should be aware that Content presented to you as part of the Services, including but not limited to advertisements in the Services and sponsored Content within the Services may be protected by intellectual property rights which are owned by the sponsors or advertisers who provide that Content to Google (or by other persons or companies on their behalf). You may not modify, rent, lease, loan, sell, distribute or create derivative works based on this Content (either in whole or in part) unless you have been specifically told that you may do so by Google or by the owners of that Content, in a separate agreement. [...] 9.2 Subject to section 1.2, you may not (and you may not permit anyone else to) copy, modify, create a derivative work of, reverse engineer, decompile or otherwise attempt to extract the source code of the Software or any part thereof, unless this is expressly permitted or required by law, or unless you have been specifically told that you may do so by Google, in writing. Neither does Adobe, by the way: https://wwwimages2.adobe.com/www.adobe.com/content/dam/Adobe/en/legal/licenses-terms/pdf/PlatformClients_PC_WWEULA-en_US-20150407_1357.pdf [...] 3.3 Distribution. This license does not grant you the right to sublicense or distribute the Software. The only legal way is to prepare an lpf-style package.