Comment # 17 on bug 4393 from
You bet. These are my first two Fedora package requests:



I was sponsored as a Fedora packager two days ago and am still in a learning

As one can see from these reports I've got some work to do, which I will
resolve soon. My goal is to go through the experience of these two review
processes before proceeding with any additional new package requests. brain =

However, if anyone is interested, the next step will be to get perl-SOAP-WSDL
and its dependencies perl-Class-Std-Fast and perl-IO-Socket-Multicast

SRPMS are here:

Unfortunately, the situation is more complicated with EPEL 6 & 7. There are
several more packages these distros require, which are not yet in all the right
repos. I've started the process with some of the these by contacting the
respective package maintainers. Feedback has been well received, and I even
wound up becoming the new owner of perl-sys-mmap.

I can provide a specific list of packages needed for EPEL 6 & 7, or we can just
focus on ZoneMinder on Fedora for now. Let me know how you wish to proceed.

With all that said, if anyone wants to install zoneminder today, then you can
get any missing dependencies from 

I get it, if this all sounds like I've got the cart before the horse, and I
understand completely that we really can't host zoneminder in rpmfusion until
all the dependency issues are ironed out.

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