On Nov 11, 2013, at 9:38 , Lubomir Rintel wrote:

On Mon, 2013-11-11 at 16:48 +0400, Peter Lemenkov wrote:
Hello All!

2013/11/11 Miro HronĨok <mhroncok@redhat.com>:
I've joined RPMFusion recently and current infrastructurre bothers me.

What blocks us from using Koji, Bodhi, git? Is it man power, hardware,
money, licnese? How can I help with migrating to Koji and Bodhi and keep the
infrastrucutre the same as Fedora has?

We're interested in updating RPMFusion infra as well. Its current
state simply keeps volunteers away from participating. We should come
up with a something more modern. I propose to reuse existing services
- for example GitHub for  repositories.

Sounds like a good idea in general, except for I'd advise for avoiding
GitHub at all costs after years of experience with said service. It
sucks for collaboration greatly:

Do you have any other git services you would suggest?  (IMHO if we have the hardware setting up a gitolite install is rather simple and provides the needed flexibility, and it's what fedora is using on pkgs.fedoraproject.org)

Edward Rudd
Skype: outoforder_cc