On 05/16/2010 06:08 PM, Dominik 'Rathann' Mierzejewski wrote:
On Saturday, 15 May 2010 at 00:32, Rahul Sundaram wrote:
> Hi,
> In RPMFusion, we have two repos - free and non-free and from a end user
> perspective, they are very very likely to want both these repositories.
> Instead of having to install two separate release packages to get what
> they want, can we generate a sub package, say rpmfusion-release-all that
> covers both these repositories?
Simpler: a metapackage that requires both -free and -nonfree.
Wouldn't the user still be required to download and install two more
packages? The idea of a single package with both the repositories is to
make things simpler.
> If we build such a release package within Livna, maybe we can
enable all
> three together.
There's no Livna for recent Fedora releases. Which means there's no easy
way for end-users to get libdvdcss in F-12, for example.
Are there any active contributors who oppose adding libdvdcss to RPM
Fusion directly at this point?