Here it's just a status of what have been done and left to do.
With additional comment about what the


*. Set tup the FDS online --> OK

*. Set tup CVS server and modules --> OK

*. Set tup Bugzilla  --> OK

*. Set tup and make online the Wiki --> OK

*. Set up the FAS --> OK

*. Make the Gen-Cert working --> OK

*. Make the FAS running and works --> in progress
                - I'm working to make the FAS able to create the shell account of users. Need cron task on DB to do so.
                - The python error which happens on userbox edit page it's normal for now, as no group is defined correctly.

*. Make the CVS look-aside cache works --> in progress
              - Also took this action. there's work to do with the upload.cgi file for that.

*.  Move fedora web theme to a clean one  for  rpmfusion -->  stand by

I'll make a status list about this on the infrastructure page (also with who works on what)

If i missed something you will just have to add it and post on this thread.

Xavier.t Lamien
French Fedora Ambassador
Fedora/EPEL Contributor      |
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