While reading the log file at http://buildsys.rpmfusion.org/build-status/job.psp?uid=14820 , I've just noticed that apparently Plague downloads "Neroth-gnome-shell-extension-weather-734987b.tar.gz":
Downloading Neroth-gnome-shell-extension-weather-734987b.tar.gz...
But that file contains the sources for an old version of the package; the actual source file for the one I'm trying to build, as set in the .spec, is "Neroth-gnome-shell-extension-weather-6c1d6ab.tar.gz", which Plague cannot find:
error: File /tmp/14820-gnome-shell-extension-weather-0-0_8_git6c1d6ab_fc19-1351022521/gnome-shell-extension-weather/devel/Neroth-gnome-shell-extension-weather-6c1d6ab.tar.gz: No such file or directory
Why is Plague downloading that file instead of the correct one?
2012/10/24 M.M.
Thanks, but I don't think that resubmitting the job would do the trick. I had already launched "make build" more than once, but it always failed with that error.
2012/10/23 Richard Shaw
I occasionally have this problem. Try resubmitting the job once before
you get too worried:
# plague-client requeue 14820