Le 18 oct. 2012 08:38, "Remi Collet" <Fedora@famillecollet.com> a écrit :
> Hi,
> Enigmail is approved for fedora .
> Can you please block this package in rpmfusion-free for fedora >= 18.
> For fedora 17, current version is for thunderbird 16, and will not be
> updated anymore (I think we should keep it in "stable" update, and it
> will be override when package will go in fedora stable update)
> Only fedora 16 version will be updated (only 1 time, I think)
> Remi.
Hi Remi!
Thx for the report on this.
Can you remove the cvs content on f18 and later and put a dead.package there. I will mark it as orphaned in owner list tonight.
Nicolas (kwizart)