Nicolas Chauvet wrote:
The question about the need of openh264 in rpmfusion is probably how
the route to either openh264/ffmpeg/x264 is setup in your application:
- If your app route the content that can be decoded by openh264 only
to openh264, then it will expect to always have the library. (and we
will probably need to find a long term solution to avoid bundling).
- If it's smart enough to route content that can be decoded by
openh264 to ffmpeg (if available), then it's a safer path and we will
probably not have to worry about openh264 ourselves.
Chromium (and therefore also QtWebEngine) uses OpenH264 (currently a bundled
copy, which is why repoquery does not turn up any dependencies on the shared
library for you) for encoding in WebRTC. Chromium does not use x264 at all,
it uses FFmpeg for decoding and OpenH264 for encoding. (There is also no
support for using only OpenH264, decoding always uses FFmpeg.)
Kevin Kofler