Hello everybody,
my name is Dejan Lekic and I am, among other things a core developer of the FLTK project (http://www.fltk.org). I am a 33 years old software engineer / system developer from Sweden/Serbia (born in Serbia). At the moment I am pursuing my second degree, this time in Computer Science/Management (joint one).

I am willing to maintain Portable.NET (or so-called the "dotGNU" project) packages. Portable.NET is an open-source, (L)GPL, implementation of the .NET 2.0 . I use my dotGNU RPMs quiet often and so far I haven't seen any problem with them. I maintain contact with other users of my RPMs via dotGNU's official IRC channel ( irc://irc.freenet.org/dotGNU ) and nobody complained so far.

I have some more RPMs that would be very interesting to be in rpmfusion, but, since I am new here, I thought it would be the best to begin with something. :)

This said, it is not difficult to understand that I need a menthor (if I understand that is rpmfusion's policy). So if someone wishes to menthor my first RPMs I am more than pleased to get in contact with that person. I will put RPMs somewhere tonight for you to analyse.

PS. do we have an IRC channel perhaps? If not, I recommend making one on either OFTC ( http://www.oftc.net ) or FreeNode, so we can have some "direct" communication as well.

Kind regards

Dejan Lekic