On 2017-06-15 13:01, Emmanuel Seyman wrote:
* Nicolas Chauvet [15/06/2017 11:59] :
> Please forward to the perl-Net-SFTP-Foreign fedora maintainer if
> needed as I don't think I will be abble to rebuild vlc with a broken
> perl-Net-SFTP-Foreign.
We're still rebuilding perl packages against perl 5.26.0. Once
is built, the stack perl-Net-SFTP-Foreign depends on should be ok.
This isn't likely to happen any time soon. Math::Pari seems to have some
weird issue with perl compiled with -Duse64bitint (as is the case with
Fedora's perl in Rawhide for 32-bit targets) and upstream isn't very
active for the last few years so unless we can fix it ourselves, I may
have to retire it.