(In reply to Antonio Trande from comment #13) > - Include "BSD and Boost" licenses. Please remember the license tag is not a list of licenses found in the source archive but it refers to the licenses of the contents of the *binary RPM*: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Packaging:LicensingGuidelines#License:_field Moreover there is no BSD license in cannonball: "find . -name \* -type f -exec grep "in source and binary forms" {} \;" does not return anything! Therefore the resulting license of the binary RPM is the MAME license (i.e. MAME + BOOST = MAME). > - '-I/usr/include/boost_1_54_0' flag is a nonsense; > please, remove it or change the path. Fixed. https://www.dropbox.com/s/41d5njd5f3wjvrv/cannonball.spec?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/5gegg7hzzs5ckjc/cannonball-0.3-3.fc25.src.rpm?dl=0