As tradition we should mass rebuild "every single package", like and
because Fedora did for this branch and after that we need mass
branching F27.
Also is usually between fedora branching and rpmfusion branching,
rawhide of rpmfusion builds with f27 (fedora branched) and not f28
(rawhide) , I notice that is done by builds that we have today in koji
of rpmfusion .
I also had prepare mock-rpmfusion configurations mock-rpmfusion-free-
27.0 and nonfree , I though if I should add Requires: mock >= 1.4.4
mock version where Fedora 27 configs have been added [1], as the logic
of the configuration depends on new configuration , i.e. mock-rpmfusion
configuration imports f27 fedora configuration ... (anyway all mock
configurations could be much more simpler, I just didn't had time to
expose a better solution (is in my TODO list)).
rfpkg and fedora-packager should work without any modification, I
So we need some coordination , (Nicolas) what is the plan ?
As already state, IMHO , mass rebuild should be done, first by
ImportantDependencyList [2] a next by alphabetic order excluding
package with kmods or related, very big packages and few more ones, for
curiosity the scripts of releng are [3]
Sérgio M. B.