This file provides some basic information about Broadcom STA wireless driver configuration files on Fedora with RPMFusion packages. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Version 0.1 - Tue Nov 06 2012 - initial release ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0. Cautions =========== The files mentioned in this document should not be used in a wireless operational system. Use them at your own risk and only if your system could not boot properly or if your Broadcom wireless device doesn't work correctly. 1. Choosing between WEXT or CFG80211 API ======================================== Some configurations require the user to choose between the WEXT API or CFG80211 API in order to get Broadcom STA wireless driver properly loaded, and correctly usable by third-party softwares. Since this driver cannot be configured on-the-fly, the only solution is to use RPMFusion akmod-wl package only and set the /etc/akmods/akmod-wl/api file correctly. No RPMFusion kmod-wl package installed will take care of the settings provided in the /etc/akmods/akmod-wl/api file, and using this file requires an exclusive usage of the akmod-wl package. /etc/akmods/akmod-wl/api file should contain only one line depending on the API choosen: API=WEXT to force building the module with WEXT API or API=CFG80211 to force building the module with CFG80211 API or #API=WEXT or #API=CFG80211 to let the Broadcom included Makefile do the right choice according to your current kernel version. #API=WEXT is the default setting. Once this file modified, one should rebuild current kmod-wl package for the current kernel by typing this command: akmods --force --kernel `uname -r` --akmod wl Reboot should be needed in order to get last wl module correctly loaded. 2. Initramfs configuration file usage ===================================== Please read comments in /etc/dracut.conf.d/20-wl.conf file in order to configure loading modules needed by the Broadcom STA wireless driver in kernel's init ramdisks. Edit the /etc/dracut.conf.d/20-wl.conf file and comment/uncomment the one line "add_drivers+=" directive depending on your choice. For example # nano /etc/dracut.conf.d/20-wl.conf or # sudo nano /etc/dracut.conf.d/20-wl.conf should let you to modify this file, ctrl+o would save the file, and ctrl+x should quit nano. Then use dracut command to rebuild your current kernel initramfs file. See and for complete explanations on using dracut. 3. Support ========== Support only about these configuration files will be provided on: