2013/8/27 Hans de Goede <j.w.r.degoede@gmail.com>
I've fixed libquicktime, gstreamer1-libav and frogatto (for new boost, not ffmpeg, building now).

But it seems something has gone wrong with gstreamer1-libav, the build completed successfully, but:
only has debuginfo rpms, and the logs at:
are also incomplete, maybe the disk is full ?
The disk isn't full, but the changes to track the fedora development/f20 repository instead of rawhide was not completed.
Please bump and resubmit a new job to test if everything went right this time (you shouldn't have any build with .fc21).


If you want me to help with other packages, a list of packages needing work would be useful.
The failure page is probably helpful http://buildsys.rpmfusion.org/build-status/failed.psp
Search for the recent failure submited by me.
I can eventually requeue the build if a previous dependency has succeeded.

Nicolas (kwizart)