On Mon, Jan 23, 2017 at 6:19 PM, Ed Greshko <ed.greshko@greshko.com> wrote:

On 01/24/17 06:00, Richard Shaw wrote:
> Nothing to do with DNF, haven't found a solution to that one yet. It inhibits
> shutdown/reboot until the command completes. I need to test it with a fake setup perhaps
> /usr/bin/sleep 3600 and see if I get any kind of GUI prompt about what is going on, it
> does have some command line options I assume are used to display to the user.

I did not know systemd-inhibit was a command.  I'm not so sure how good it will be as I
just tried the following from a KDE session.

1.  Log-in
2.  Bring up a konsole and su to root.
3.  Enter the command "systemd-inhibit /usr/bin/sleep 120"
4.  Go to the KDE menu and "Leave--->Reboot"   then confirm reboot.

5.  Result - KDE session ends, screen blanks for a few seconds, login screen appears and
the system never reboots.

Interesting... Using my new kernel posttrans method I did a kernel reinstall which initiated a build of the nvidia kmod and immediately gave the reboot command. Systemd closed the SSH session so I assumed that it didn't work but when the system came back up the new kmod package was installed and when I got home from work the X was up without issue so it seemed to work for me.

At least it wouldn't have let you shut down the system during the build process but I had hoped the integration would have been better.

You could try using the --who --why options and see if something is presented to the user...
