2008/1/20, Thorsten Leemhuis <fedora@leemhuis.info>:
Hi all!

FYI: there was a new package reviewed for Livna which contains bits that
are not acceptable for Fedora. During review it had the name-postifx

Several people never liked the term, as the bits in this and similar
cases are actually free, just not acceptable for Fedora due to US laws.

So there was a discussion to chose a different name. We quick settled on
the term "freeworld". If that name is okay for everybody else I'd
suggest we use it from now on and change all other "nonfree OSS"
packages (audacious-plugins-nonfree, xine-lib-extras-nonfree,

I'm ok with

kde-multimedia-nonfree, ...) to that name before or during the move to
RPM Fusion. Does that sound like a plan?

I suggest before.

For details see:


Xavier.t Lamien
French Fedora Ambassador
Fedora/EPEL Contributor      | http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/XavierLamien
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