On 12/17/2016 07:17 AM, Link Dupont wrote:
I'm trying to decide whether a package should go into RPMFusion
It's a project called Cockatrice[1]. Cockatrice is an open-source
"virtual tabletop for multiplayer card games". While it does not bundle
any copyrighted content (such as images or even databases of cards),
the software is effectively useless without a database of cards. It
does not enforce the *rules* of these multi-player card games; it
merely provides a framework of controls in order to play these games
"virtually". It does ship a utility that easily will download (from a
third party) a card database, and has code that will download images at
run time.
I feel like this could technically below in Fedora, but I'm not sure.
A package, which downloads/side-loads stuff from sources out of Fedora
and operates outside of rpm's control is not acceptable in Fedora (and
should not be acceptable in RPMFusion, as well).
What you could do,
- is to modify the "framework package" in such a way it doesn't download
any package.
- and to package the the license encumbered "data files" into rpmfusion
to bring them under rpm's control. However this is only applicable if
these files' licenses permit "repackaging"/"redistribution",
you are out of luck. In this case, you may ask upstream to change their
licensing or may opt implement a free "card database".