On Qui, 2016-11-17 at 10:38 +0100, David Timms wrote:
+# invoke with: rpmbuild --without mp3 audacity-freeworld.spec to
undefine mp3.
+%bcond_without mp3
+%if %{without mp3}
+# user passed [--without mp3]. Yes, rpm logic seems wrong!
+%define mp3importexport 0
+%define mp3importexport 1
bcond_with and bcond_without are pretty easy to use and works well, I
(personally) don't understand why we have another variants.
But they have one little trick: : "never use without_foo, _with_foo nor
_without_foo, only with_foo." . Also reading /usr/lib/rpm/macros, at
line 111, we got all examples that we may need.
we don't have "without" operator only "with" so at least
%if %{without mp3} , should be: %if ! %{with mp3} ...
Sérgio M. B.