Nvidia on kernel 3.11.1-200
by Richard Allen
Is anyone else having problems with nvidia-kmod and akmod on the latest kernel (3.11.1-200)?
On my system the akmod rebuild fails causing all kinds of problems :)
11 years, 5 months
gstreamer1-libav.x86_64 0:1.1.3-1.fc20 error and unable to install vlc
by piruthiviraj natarajan
I am using Fedora rawhide and currently after installing smplayer I am
having issue with some libraries of rpm-fusion and could not install
vlc following that too.
yum update
--> Finished Dependency Resolution
Error: Package: gstreamer1-libav-1.1.3-1.fc20.x86_64 (rpmfusion-free-rawhide)
Requires: libavformat.so.54()(64bit)
Error: Package: gstreamer1-libav-1.1.3-1.fc20.x86_64 (rpmfusion-free-rawhide)
Requires: libavcodec.so.54(LIBAVCODEC_54)(64bit)
Error: Package: gstreamer1-libav-1.1.3-1.fc20.x86_64 (rpmfusion-free-rawhide)
Requires: libavcodec.so.54()(64bit)
Error: Package: gstreamer1-libav-1.1.3-1.fc20.x86_64 (rpmfusion-free-rawhide)
Requires: libavformat.so.54(LIBAVFORMAT_54)(64bit)
You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem
You could try running: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest
[root@localhost yum.repos.d]# yum update --skip-broken
when I try to install vlc
--> Finished Dependency Resolution
Error: Package: vlc-core-2.1.0-0.6.pre2.fc20.x86_64 (rpmfusion-free-rawhide)
Requires: libfreerdp-core.so.1.0()(64bit)
Error: Package: vlc-core-2.1.0-0.6.pre2.fc20.x86_64 (rpmfusion-free-rawhide)
Requires: libfreerdp-kbd.so.1.0()(64bit)
Error: Package: vlc-core-2.1.0-0.6.pre2.fc20.x86_64 (rpmfusion-free-rawhide)
Requires: libfreerdp-channels.so.1.0()(64bit)
Error: Package: vlc-core-2.1.0-0.6.pre2.fc20.x86_64 (rpmfusion-free-rawhide)
Requires: libfreerdp-codec.so.1.0()(64bit)
Error: Package: vlc-core-2.1.0-0.6.pre2.fc20.x86_64 (rpmfusion-free-rawhide)
Requires: libfreerdp-gdi.so.1.0()(64bit)
Error: Package: vlc-core-2.1.0-0.6.pre2.fc20.x86_64 (rpmfusion-free-rawhide)
Requires: libfreerdp-utils.so.1.0()(64bit)
Error: Package: vlc-core-2.1.0-0.6.pre2.fc20.x86_64 (rpmfusion-free-rawhide)
Requires: libfreerdp-rail.so.1.0()(64bit)
You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem
Any solutions?
11 years, 5 months
Force manual build from akmod
by George Galt
Yum installed the 3.11 kernel on my F19 x86_64 box and normally akmod would
have built the nvidia driver (319.32-2) for the new kernel, but no such
luck. Where does the akmod service keep its log files so I can look into
what went wrong? Also, is it possible to manually build the akmod files?
I looked at this set of directions
http://fedorasolved.org/Members/zcat/akmods, but it is outdated (and
running systemctl restart akmods.service didn't yield any output)?
11 years, 5 months
Re: Force manual build from akmod
by Reindl Harald
Am 21.09.2013 21:19, schrieb Richard Allen:
> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Reindl Harald" <h.reindl(a)thelounge.net>
>> To: "Richard Allen" <ra(a)ra.is>, "Mailing-List rpmfusion" <rpmfusion-users(a)lists.rpmfusion.org>
>> Sent: Saturday, 21 September, 2013 6:15:49 PM
>> Subject: Re: Force manual build from akmod
>> do *not* reply offlist
> Harald, you are not the boss of me :)
> I'll reply however I choose.
if you asnwer whatever to a list-discussion to in on-list
> I stated that I belived that the rpmfusion mailing list has a specific purpose and topic.
and i answered on-topic before you creeped out
> Im my view this does in no way qualify so I'll reply to you off list.
anything is worthless without qualify it
> Do you really think anyone on the list has any interest in this discussion?
yes, because the next one with the same problem has a chance
to make his own decisions or make them even before the problem
> If you do choose to reply onto the list, please don't edit out the following:
> To other list members, I am sorry for my involvement in getting this simple discussion this far off topic.
> Now let me summarize:
> You agree that recent Fedora's support nvidia out of the box with the Nouveau driver.
> Fact 1: This means that any new kernel on Fedora 19 will have nvidia support
not every brand new card
> Fact 2: That means your statements of "Unsupported hardware" and "To new kernels" are simply incorrect and misleading.
no, Nouveau doe snot support *all* featurs and not all hardware
look at the video of Linus Torvalds in this context with
the summary "fuck you nvidia"
> Here is a thought for you. Try telling people who ask for help the truth. For example:
i told the truth boy
the turth it wait until the 3rd party driver package supports the kernel
> "I think Binary BLOB's are bad, and since your BLOB is not working, you should give Nouveau a try.
since Nouveau is there out of the box someone having the
Nvidia driver has it because a decision which also leaded
to enable a 3rd party repo - so what is the new here?
> Nouveau is a working 3D accelerated driver for nvidia cards and that project needs all the help and
> testers it can get because a truly free and Opensource nvidia driver that works is something that
> would be great for all of us to have."
nothing new for anybody, this is the driver you have directly after the setup
> See how I said the same thing without spewing hate or lies at people?
you are a fool
my reply was short and not a lie in any context
"if you rely on BLOB drivers *wait*" is the only sohrt and correct answer
since the BLOB drivers are not installed magically ther was a decision doing
the wrong before and if someone makes a decision he has to live with the results
in this context: wait until your crap supports a new kernel release
>> than be careful with words like "Troll"
> Yess Sir! :) (but since you are not the boss of me, I doubt I'll obey) :)
i do not need to be the boss of anybody to qualify his statements
11 years, 5 months
Re: Force manual build from akmod
by Reindl Harald
do *not* reply offlist
Am 21.09.2013 20:00, schrieb Richard Allen:
> Harald,
>>> I know I should not feed the Trolls, but I do feel compelled to
>>> answer this oh, so helpful comment from Harald here because Linux
>>> is very important to me.
>> oh, everybody which is not your opinion is a Troll... fine - i can
>> live with it
> No, it's not the fact that you do not agree with me. It's because this mailinglist has a specific topic.
than be careful with words like "Troll"
i have developed software where you maybe even was not born
> It's purpose has mainly been discussing software from the rpmfusion repo and getting help with it
> but not the merits of opensource, mandatory forced opensource or vendors.
and that does change *what* in the fact that it is plain stupid to
rely on closed source divers, setp to the latest upstream kernel,
wonder hwy the driver doe snot work and ask what to do?
*wait until someone will fix it* is the answer
> Twice you have answered simple requests for information with your apparent nvidia hatred.
> Nobody asked what your view was on that subject. First, I asked if anyone else was seeing
> this problem, then George did and asked for help. Your reply added no value at all to the
> discussion and was completely off topic.
it was *on topic*
it said simply *wait* ebfore someone is able to fix the closed source BLOB
and until this has happend use the last recent working kernel
> I am sure there exist "Lets hate vendor X" forums and mailing lists out there where your views is more at home.
and they answer the question how to handle "too new kernel for the crap i bought"?
> But perhaps I am to harsh in calling you a troll
> Would you be satisfied if I change that to "Not helping at all" or "Using other people's requests for
> help to spew your views on them"?
no - because the only help *this moment* is wait until someone
figured out how running the new kernel-release with the Nvidia
driver and fix the packages for it
> But hey :) If somebody posts "Please degrade me for my choices" on the mailing list,
> I will not be in your way because you seem to have that well in hand :)
do what is right in your opinion
it do too
>>> First, the Development model of the Linux kernel (and much of the
>>> OSS software projects out there)
>>> is called RERO (Release early, release often). The entire point of
>>> this model is to speed up the
>>> development of the project, the kernel in this case, and striving
>>> for higher quality software.
>> yes and that is why the linux kernel includes drivers too for more
>> hardware any other OS supports out of the box
> Drivers like the Nouveau driver that support nvidia hardware right out of the box?
as exmaple - used it for two years before banned Nvidia from my machines
>>> Read more about it here:
>>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Release_early,_release_often
>> tell me something new
> I'm glad YOU know it. What about all the other users who read your postings.
they has to realize if in case 3.XX the XX changes closed source drivers
may be broken an dit takes time
>> you can be sure that i am one of the heaviest fedora-kernel testers
>> and sometimes report bugs or say "works fine" before the maintainer
>> even knows that the koji-build has finished
> I'd be interested in knowing how you can test something as huge as an entire kernel before
> the maintainer knows it is built, but lets not go there.
i go there
Sep 14 18:54:56 Installed: kernel-3.11.1-200.fc19.x86_64
Sat, 14 Sep 2013 16:43:57 UTC
given that i live in vienna i installed the build 11 minutes after
the compile has finished
and after that i worte a mail to the kernel-list that this
build works on both of my different phyiscal machines as
well as on top of VMware
>> but i am samrt enough to buy hardware which is supported
> What did the Nouveau driver support again?
>>> Instead complain when distro's that call them selves bleeding edge,
>>> like Fedora does, do not release new kernels
>>> in a timely fasion. Be proud of the fact that you are taking part
>>> and helping.
>> i am - but i do not buy Nvidaia cards
> Great. I support your right to choose whatever you want as well.
> I hope you are very happy with your choices and that nobody is putting you down for choosing
> what you wanted. I certainly am not attacking you for your hardware choices.
well, the only thing i expressed is: do not jump to the latest kernel-upgrade
until someone fixed the issues in the driver-builds and that may take longer
depending on the sort of changes
>> yes, but using Nvidia hardware and jump to the newest upstearm-kernel
>> is not that
>> smart to say it polite - change your hardware or your distribution in
>> doubt
> Why? Choosing nvidia hardware and jumping to the newest kernel is fine if you
> are using the Nouveau driver?
yes because it works
> Granted, sometimes there are issues using nvidia's BLOB but never showstoppers.
for the ordinary user it *are* showstoppers until there is a new package
> In contrast I've had multiple issues with oh so many other completely OSS projects.
> For example I discovered yesterday that evince (open source PDF viwer) cannot print
> PDF's on a printer on fedora 19. Hitting print caused a segv and a crash
> I have a kvm guest running Win7 and I had to start it to print out that PDF.
shit happens
> Should I change distro's because of this problem?
no, report a bug, that is a software issue
the Nvidia BLOB is a software issue too but in the worst case
it does not run at all and nobody but Nvidia can fix it
> Should I attack evince's development model?
> Should I attack the authors of evince?
report a bug
> Should I report the issue (it had already been done)?
> Or should I just ack. the fact that shit happens and look for another
> pdf viewer?
temporary yes, that's why more than one exists
> Or just wait for a fix to evince?
>>> Second, you are also completely free to select whatever hardware
>>> you want based on your own criteria
>> and if you prefer the latest upstream kernel Nvidia does *not* match
>> that criteria
>> or they are simply wrong in case of technical facts nobody but Nvidia
>> can change
> Really?
> That fix for this issue was not from nvidia.
but someone has to do it and it is usually not the ordinary user
> It was not applied to the rpmfusion codebase by nvidia and it was not built by nvidia.
> This got fixed completely without any involvement from them.
luck - but nobody knows that before someone with expiereience in the
package itself takes a look and given that the one maintians the
package is doing it becuase he is using the driver itself you
need to wait and can avoid this by wait some days before hop to the
next upstream kernel
if in case of 3.XX the XX is changing you need most likely a new
driver package and akmods doe snot help at all
11 years, 5 months
fedora 19, kmod-nvidia GeForce 310M: no devices found
by Ankur Sinha
Could someone please help me get kmod-nvidia working on my system
[asinha@ankur ~]$ lspci | egrep VGA
00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Core Processor
Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 18)
01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation GT218M [GeForce
310M] (rev a2)
The kmod and akmod both install just fine, but X doesn't come up on
reboot. It fails with a "no devices found" error. I've run
nvidia-xconfig too, but it didn't help. For the time being, I've undone
the yum transaction and am back on nouveau.
Is this a known issue, or is it just one of those xorg.conf tweaks?
Yum transaction: http://ur1.ca/fk3zb
Xorg.0.log: http://ur1.ca/fk3zh
xorg.conf from rpmfusion: http://ur1.ca/fk3zw
xorg.conf after nvidia-xconfig: http://ur1.ca/fk404
xrandr -q on nouveau: http://ur1.ca/fk40f
I'll be most grateful if someone could help get this working. I'll be
happy to provide any more information that you'd need.
Warm regards,
Ankur (FranciscoD)
Join Fedora! Come talk to us!
11 years, 5 months