Fedora 23 and nvidia?
by Dave Pawson
How to tell when the driver and rpmfusion packages
are available please?
Will they automatically be grabbed on a F23
install when available?
Dave Pawson
Docbook FAQ.
9 years, 2 months
(no subject)
by Muhamad Moghadam
why isn't google-earth in rpmfusion?
google released a rpm package, but can not be installed!!!
*In God we Trust.*
*www.truckdriver.ir <http://www.truckdriver.ir>*
و لکن اکثرهم لا یعقلون
9 years, 3 months
ffmpeg and libvo-aacenc.so.0 on Fedora 23
by Michael
After a recent update to ffmpeg, I am getting this error:
ffmpeg: error while loading shared libraries: libvo-aacenc.so.0: cannot
open shared object file: No such file or directory
I believe this should come from the vo-aacenc package, but I don't see
it anywhere.
Does anyone know where I can find this missing library/package?
Here are the packages I have installed:
9 years, 3 months
by Stephen Adler
I bought a Radeon Fury card and I would like to get it running with the
latest fedora dist. It seems like the catalyst support has been dropped
for lack of interest. Is this true? If so, is there any hope of seeing
the support come back? I may offer some package maintenance cycles
depending on how much time it would take. Or is the open source support
for the Radeon cards sufficient and thus the reason interest in the
proprietary ATI driver has dropped?
Thanks. Steve.
9 years, 3 months
akmods is a utility, not a driver
by Richard Shaw
Ok, yes I'm whining here so feel free to delete...
For the love of god please stop filing bugs against the akmods package for
problems with the driver packages!
I know it's not intuitive that for the akmod-nvidiaXXX packages that you
have to file the bug against nvidia-XXX-kmod.
A little research goes a long way, if you look at the package info it will
tell you what source package it came from which should match the component
in bugzilla:
]$ rpm -qi akmod-nvidia
Name : akmod-nvidia
Epoch : 1
Version : 355.11
Release : 4.fc22
Architecture: x86_64
Install Date: Mon 16 Nov 2015 07:00:39 PM CST
Group : System Environment/Kernel
Size : 59793
License : Redistributable, no modification permitted
Signature : RSA/SHA1, Sun 11 Oct 2015 03:37:02 PM CDT, Key ID
---> Source RPM : nvidia-kmod-355.11-4.fc22.src.rpm <---
Build Date : Sun 11 Oct 2015 03:33:47 PM CDT
Build Host : builder02
Relocations : (not relocatable)
Packager : http://nonfree.rpmfusion.org/
Vendor : RPM Fusion
URL : http://www.nvidia.com/
Summary : Akmod package for nvidia kernel module(s)
Description :
This package provides the akmod package for the nvidia kernel modules.
Thanks, please go about your day :)
9 years, 3 months
Fedora 23 Packages: Where are they?
by Temlakos
When do you expect Fedora-23-compatible packages to be available?
Some of us are waiting to upgrade from F22 to F23 and/or about to
clean-install Fedora on brand-new machines. But we've come to rely on
packages available only on RPM Fusion. How much longer, then, must we wait?
9 years, 3 months
One RPM Fusion mail list issue is fixed
by Nicolas Chauvet
I just want to advertise that one infrastructure issue with email sent from
rpmfusion.org have been fixed.This will lead to emails from our domain not
be taken as SPAM with some provider (such as gmail).
As a side note, I might not have seen every emails that you expect me to
see, you might need to reply. All emails should have been received by
mailman are kept.
Nicolas (kwizart)
9 years, 3 months
what about soname bumps and rebuilds
by Reindl Harald
Fedora 23
* x264 so 148
* avidemux requires so 142
* the gstreamer ugly requires so 142
why does that happen *everytime* when somebody decides to bump x264
without take care of rebuild depending packages?
9 years, 4 months