VLC problems in fc25 too
by John Pilkington
I reported earlier that vlc-3.0.0-0.16 gave immediate segfaults in
fedora 24. It does the same for me in fedora 25 with SD and HD TV
recordings and DVD .iso images. Before the segfault it reports 'libEGL
warning: DRI2: failed to authenticate', but that may not be the actual
cause. Still using the nVidia 304 driver.
vlc-3.0.0-0.9.fc25.x86_64 works for me, as does smplayer-17.3.0-1
John P
7 years, 8 months
force build from scratch?
by Tom Horsley
I just did an update, which I hoped would fix my problems
in bugzilla: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1440353
Unfortunately, I see it updated the kmodsrc:
xorg-x11-drv-nvidia-kmodsrc.x86_64 1:375.39-2.fc24
But no akmod rebuild happened. I assume that new source
code really needs to be rebuilt, but akmods doesn't
seem to be aware of that. I tried running
akmods --force
but it just says, Nah! Everything is already built.
So what on earth do I need to do to really and truly
force it to rebuild things?
7 years, 11 months
F24 black screen since libglvnd update this weekend
by Christopher Ross
My Fedora 24 / KDE box with the nVidia drivers was working beautifully
until libglvnd got updated on Saturday. After that, the screen would
turn black when booting switched to graphical mode.
I tried reinstalling the nVidia drivers but that did not help.
I switched the display manager to lightDM and it's now possible to see
the login screen, but logging in still gives a blank screen.
Today saw a big update which brought in new xorg-x11-drv-nvidia*, new
libglvnd*, and a ton of kf5* packages. I was very optimistic that this
would bring the computer back into proper functionality.
Sadly it did not.
I have run nvidia-bug-report.sh but I can find nothing significant in
the report log.
At this point, I'd be grateful for any clues to help diagnose why it's
failing - and delighted, of course, with a solution!
Many thanks,
Chris R.
7 years, 11 months