Hi everybody.
I had a bit of trouble with the akmod-wl package.
Fedora got a newer Kernel but the kmod-wl package is still not available, so I decided to
use akmod-wl, which worked great in the past. I ran "akmods --force" but got an
error that some modules(?) (I sadly forget to write down the exact error message).
After looking into it I just didn't had kernel-devel installed.
Now everything works. But two things are bothering me, shouldn't the akmod package
pull in the kernel-devel automatically? Since it seems to be pretty Important. Also akmod
is still using the yum command for installing:
"Yum command has been deprecated, redirecting to '/usr/bin/dnf -y install
Maybe that should be changed to dnf, since it is the "standard" now.