I am hitting the exact issue described at [1], meaning installing the nvidia legacy
drivers from rpmfusion (470.223) fail to compile on Linux 6.7/6.8+.
AFAICT, two unrelated things solve the issue:
* use a newer release of the nvidia driver (470.239), either directly from the nvidia
site, or waiting for an update on rpmfusion
* wait for a fix on the kernel (discussion of such patch at [2])
If I am not mistaken, [3] is the equivalent issue for Ubuntu.
My question is: what is the policy regarding rpmfusion and nvidia legacy driver updates? I
think the simplest fix for users encountering such issue would be for rpmfusion to be
updated (installing the latest release from nvidia website is much more involved). Should
users ask for an update, or is this handled automatically?
Thanks a lot.